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Andy soon found that he was spending more time at Genevieve's rather than his own home. It had become the new normal that he'd spend an evening there with the intention of returning home, however the next morning he'd wake next to her, the comforting touch of her arm gently slung across his stomach. It was the unplanned nights that had him leaving at six am to return home to change and get ready for the day, and even then he'd stop back in on his way to work to say goodbye to them both. Cora would usually be chewing on a spoon in her highchair where she had started to be weaned onto solid food.

Life had been good lately, and for the first time since before everything had royally screwed up for him, Andy felt at peace. Genevieve was a far cry from Laurie. She always had been. Both she and Andy were laid back, any disagreements were only minor and sorted. She was just far more understanding – and considerate for another thing. There just didn't seem to be a cold bone in her body. Her warming nature making for a very relaxed Cora as well.

Cora was good tempered, even when it came down her being hungry or tired she rarely complained. Andy had adored the last month watching her learn new things. It wouldn't be long until she was crawling and saying her first words. On a weekend he'd sometimes wake up and get her sorted for the day, and the smile that she would give him when he'd walk into the nursery just made him melt.

It felt nice to have someone so small depend on him again.

"You do realise I can just give you a key?" Gen smirked as she fed Cora some baby porridge one morning, Andy pondering over a work email while he sipped his coffee.

"And you do realise that you'd be mad to."

"What? It's not like you're gonna rob me blind is it? It just, makes sense. Well to me it does. You can come and go as you please – besides you know how madam gets when you're here." She looked to Cora who was making a mess with the porridge. Her daughter loved Andy a hell of a lot and that was enough for her.

Andy smirked as a handful of porridge ended up in Cora's hair. "I just didn't think you'd want me here all the time."

"And why ever not?" Gen smirked. "I'm not trying to push anything – but think about it ok? You don't have to."

The last month or so had been bliss, and she'd noticed they were simply acting more like a little family. They took Cora out together; it was now common knowledge that they were 'dating' but not entirely. With a baby it a different process altogether and they all just seemed to slot nicely in one another's lives. Natalie and Sadie had wanted all the gory details of what had happened after the garden party, but Gen hadn't divulged anything. It was for them to know and to keep behind closed doors.

"You know I will." Andy said, leaning down and giving Gen a kiss goodbye before looking at Cora. "I think I'll skip the kiss today." He smirked and waved at her as he grabbed his briefcase. "I'll see you both tonight.

"See you later." Gen smiled and cleaned Cora up as she waved her little arms at Andy. "No, Andy's all clean – you're not dirtying him up before work."

Andy gave Cora a wink. "That's your mom's job." and fled before Gen could say anything in protest, only hearing a shocked "Andy!" as he left.

Walking out to the Audi something caught the corner of his eye, a car and a man sat inside it across the street from the driveway. He simply nodded to Andy in acknowledgement, and in return Andy nodded back.

Strange. It was early, then again he could be waiting to pick someone up.

No matter. He needed to get to work.

Backing out, he looked in the rear view as he drove away, but the man thankfully didn't get out.

Andy had red flags in his mind when it came to strangers, and especially after what had happened to Laurie and Jacob. He'd had news crews and journalists hounding him for weeks after the crash.

Silver Linings (Andy Barber)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant