" yes" the voice answers, " that's right"

I could tell from Henry's expression he regrets of asking in the first place

" sorry, wrong number" Henry said and immediately hang up


It been few days and we heard about Henry got a gift card to go to Montego's so we sat on the couch of the living room waiting for my brother to return. I honestly don't care about this but I'm here to see Hen's reaction of this. Btw, everyone got him presents of bribing him

The door opens and Henry has arrived looking completely confused, he glanced at the door than us

I smile to myself

The fun began.

" did... Did someone die?" Henry questioned us

They just laugh

" that was really funny!" Jasper spoke up to him

" yeah" Charlotte agreed, " that's our Henry"

" thanks"

Henry set his backpack down and we made eye contact, I smile at him and folded my arms of watching the show

" why are you all here?" Henry asked us

" to congratulate you and to give you presents" mom answers

" for winning Student of the Month" dad continues

They all muttered of agreeing

" oh wow, so you guys already heard about that, huh?" Henry asked of eyeing the rest of us

" yeah"

" even some of our neighbors heard about it" I added and pointed to them with a smirk

" hey neighbors" Henry greeted them

" hey Henry" they all greeted

He looks at someone who's next to me

" and who are you?" Henry asked the person

I look confused and turn my head to see a Asian man with small somewhat eyes

" oh, my name's Kevin" the man introduced, " I'm visiting from Los Angeles, thinking about trying a vacation home here in Swellview"

He takes a chip

" my life's going great"

He plops the chip in his mouth and eats it

" and you're here why?" I asked him confused

" I just saw people walking into this house" Kevin informed, " joined them"

I just nodded slowly and look back at my brother

" so Henry" Mrs. Hendricks began of walking over to him, " we heard that part of your Student of the Month prize is dinner for two at Montego's?"

This isn't the fun I'm looking for.

My smile faded

" oh really?"

Mom amd dad talking at once of they pretending they have no idea

" oh, please take me!" Jasper begged him

" why would he take you?" Charlotte questioned Jasps, " I'm his best friend"

" you are not!" Jasper objected of dropping his presents down

" hey!" mom spoke up, " a boy's best friend is his mother"

" oh, that's a crock of bull!" dad agrued

The Danger Continues: Henry Danger Book 2 [ COMPLETED ] Where stories live. Discover now