A Two Spirit Partnership...or Two

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Rabbit woke up slowly. It was absolutely against his will, He was curled up in his snug warren in between his thick blankets and buffalo robes. Warm, fulfilled, entire with his many memories that stretched over centuries. They had been amazing lives, some plain and simple, some extraordinary, and he was joyful that they were back. Each one was precious, because their lessons were honing them, polishing their souls for perfection, immortality. It was worth every celebration and tragedy on this path they traveled together.

"I love you." The rich, deep baritone rumbled soothingly in his ear, which was pressed up against a hard and muscled chest. He burrowed deeper in.

"My husband! Good Morning. I love you too."

"We must get up. Soaring Hawk wants us at the council lodge by noon."

"Oh, then we have plenty of time."

"Little Rabbit, you have less than an hour to eat and dress."

"WHAT??? Why didn't you wake me sooner?" He sat up abruptly and toss the skins off, stopping suddenly as he took in his husband's polished perfection. Must every day start with that sudden lurch of astonishment and gratitude? Yes, in their lives, it did. He closed his eyes in a dreamy euphoria and felt full and gentle lips on his. They were light and savoring him, and he raised a hand to cradle Cloud Chief's face, feathery touches that simply caressed, asking and giving just that and nothing more. They both sighed and stared at one another.

"Our eyes. They have not changed back, have they?" Asked Cloud Chief.

"Afraid not. Don't worry, I will spread a few hints about my magic bringing the change on during our first coupling. They will consider it a great fortune for the tribe."

"Clever Bunny."

"Why is he having us come today?"

"The Chief of the West Lakota Band has requested a parlay. He will be bringing his new War Chief to meet Chief Soaring Eagle. The Crow have been scouting them as well. As allies, we must prepare. He wants us there as well as Red Arrows. Our finest clothes. Headdresses. I will be meeting an equal today. I do not know anything about him other than we are at the same level."

Rabbit snorted in derision. "Equal? Same level as my Cloud Chief? HAH! That can never happen. Not a chance in hell. He should be wise enough to just kowtow the minute he meets you, like any subject before an emperor..."

Cloud Chief laughed and gathered his Rabbit in a tight embrace.

"Jung Eun-Ju, my little concubine, you are adorable."

"You made such a glorious Emperor of Goryeo Then you fool, you abdicated, shaved your head and entered a Monastery. "

"You died in childbirth, Wife. I lost interest after that." There was a moment that they were quiet. And then they smiled.

"It was fun, that life," murmured Rabbit. "Despite the ending."

"Indeed, it was."

"Well, I certainly am not going to die in childbirth this time around!"

Cloud Chief laughed outloud at the absurdity of the comment and kissed the cute nose in front of him. "Not a chance, my Love. Not a chance. Now, help me dress. I am counting on you to make me handsome today!"

"The work was already done for me when the Great Spirit breathed life into you and sent you forth, my love. Truely, you are handsome enough without my help." He saw that familiar look, suddenly lusty and determined. in the golden eyes that stared down at him.

They barely made it to the Council Lodge in time.

The group that entered the village was small. With the Crow sniffing about, they decided to come with a tighter entourage than usual. But even the small party was magnificent as only the proud Lakota could be.

Not to be out done, Chief Soaring Hawk and Cloud Chief wore their war bonnets, magnificent headdresses that reached their knees, perfect eagle feathers and delicate beadwork handed down for many generations. 

The Lakota Chief, Fights Like Bear wore a shorter headdress more convenient for riding, his lance decorated with two long scalps one blond, one gray, taken from the heads of two Calvery officers. The gray- haired Major's ammunition belts criss-crossed his chest and the blond Lieutenant's Colt 45 was strapped to his waist.

A few paces behind him rode the. War Chief. Tall, imposing, clad in golden buckskin, this warrior drew deep interest. Not only was there an aura of immense strength but this was a person who commanded instant respect. The reins and blanket were covered with small silver conchas that capped the ends of scalps and they were just a small example of the ones he had taken in his career.

Beaded bracelets, done in a forest motif with white birds in flight decorated his elegant arms and a tight necklace, in the same design, encircled his throat while a perfect hawk's tail feather hung from it above the collarbone.

The war bonnet was unusual as it capped his hair and was made from a pure white owl, the head of which covered the Chief's forehead, beak lying just above a straight nose. The large wings had been folded into their natural, position that covered the warrior's back and ended with the tail fanned out just above the narrow waist.

Two thick braids of ebony hung past well-defined shoulders. Stone eyes cut from green and brown agate, glared ferociously at the Cheyenne Council from the war bonnet. He actually rivaled the other three Chiefs, even though he was new to his position. He sat in state for a moment, arrogant, in complete control, sizing them up, eyes boring into Soaring Hawk's face.

Flowing elegantly off the gleaming black and white painted stallion, he strode straight up to Chief Soaring Hawk and bowed, holding his hand up in a sign of peace. Then looked him up and down, meeting his startled gaze with raptor eyes that matched the owl's, amused and intense. There was a small, sly smile on that astonishing  self-possessed face

He was a she and a beautiful one at that.

"I am Chief Winter Owl."

Soaring Hawk stood, unable to speak. She leaned in slightly, gracefully, and in a nearly silent whisper, lips barely moving, said. "Better say something, people are staring.  and you look as though you might take flight any moment."

As she passed him, three words were said, that reached only his ears and lingered. They brought a sheen of tears to his eyes...

"My Wang Menquin..."


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