Unexpected Guests

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A/n: That is what Goliath looks like. I will use my art in this book too.

The sun fully set and the stars and moon came out over where the farm was located. Taylor was tucking Danny in bed with Loki joining the two as he lay near the bed. "And then Sandy rescued everyone by using his boat to zoom out too the ocean." He explained the episodes he watched with so much detail and a big smile on his face. "That sounds so cool buddy, maybe you can tell me more tomorrow." The boy nodded and snuggled with a small toy dragon he had. The stuffed toy looked like toothless from How To Train Your Dragon, it had small patches sewn into it, and was hand made by their Grandma. Taylor had a stuffed toy too but instead of a dragon she had a small wolf. "Do you think I could ever meet the characters in Lego Monkie Kid?" "If you wish hard enough maybe, I hear if you wish on the stars and moon you can make anything happen." His eyes sparkled at his sister's story. Taylor got up from the edge of the bed and turned out the light so she could get to bed herself. Loki didn't move from the spot near the bed, so she left the black and white dog there. She walked to her room, shut the door, and flopped onto her bed falling asleep instantly. A few hours later she was woken up by Loki who jumped onto her bed. "Loki, down, the heck!" She almost forgot the dog learned to open and close the doors with his paws. He got off the bed and started barking, running too the door and back. Taylor knew this habit, he only did this if something was wrong. The only other time he did this was when the family was almost robbed by some sissy city folk. She grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows of her bed frame and rushed to the dog's side. The dog stopped near Danny's open bedroom door and growled lowly. Taylor's eyes narrowed as she notched and arrow on her bow. Loki walked in front of the doorway, his silouette was intimidating and his fur stood on end. He leaped into the room and a scream was heard before a thud. Taylor pulled back the arrow as she took aim, the light was on in the room so she could see the people inside it. She was pointing the end of her arrow at a golden monkey in armor. He had phoenix feathers coming out of a small crown on his head. But she didn't let the appearance of the intruder falter her stance or fierce look. "Who are you, and why are you in our house?!" Her voice was fiery and dangerous. "We can explain. But can you get your dog off my student please?" He said like this was normal.

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