"Hi. I'm Naina" She said hesitating with a small smile.

"Ohh.... Hh... Hi I'm Ian" He said controlling his heart beats.

"I know.... We have met on my first day of college. Do you remember?" She asked him. To which he nodded. He didn't know what to say...... He was getting nervous.

After a moment of silent she spoke.
" Actually I want to discuss about the project ".

"Yeh sure, can we discuss this during lunch break?" He asked calmly.

"Ok, Thanks!! "Having said that she left from there and Ian was watching her leaving.

At the cafeteria

He was sitting with James , Tyler, Amber, Jasmin and Liza. Liza was telling them that how angry she was because she wanted Ian as her partner for the project. Even Amber and Jasmin were upset too but they accepted it. When they were talking just then Naina came to them.

"Excuse me" She said clearing her throat.

"Oh... Hi.... Please have a seat". Ian said trying to be as normal as he could be.

"Thanks ".She said while sitting on a chair.

"Hey, Everyone this is Naina and Naina this is James , his girlfriend Amber, Tyler, his girlfriend Jasmin and This is Liza ". He introduced them to each other.

"Hi ... Naina" They all said exept Liza. She was looking at her with disgust but didn't say anything because of Ian. She stood up and said that she had some important work and left from there. Ian didn't like her behavior towards Naina.

"Hello everyone "Naina said with smile.

"So you are Ian's partner in project" Amber asked.

"Yes "she said nodding.

"I must say Ian is very lucky to have you as his partner. We have seen you in class, you are genius." Jasmin said praising her.

"No I'm not genius, I just like to study. Then she looked at Ian and asked
" Ian, shall we discuss about project."

"No., It's lunch time and first we should eat something. You can do you discussion after that.ok "Amber said .

"Ok" She said and was about to stood up when Amber held her hand.

"Hey, Where are you going.You didn't hear what I said.?" Amber asked.

"You guys please continue, I'll come later" She said.

"No, I didn't mean like that. You are having lunch with us. Ok. Come, sit. " Said Amber with a smile.

All this time Ian was listening and watching her and he was so surprised to see how innocent she was. He just wanted to know more about her and as if Amber read his mind she asked her.

"So, Naina tell us something about yourself. You are Indian right".

"Yes, I am from Delhi. I am here on scholarship." Naina answered while smiling.

"You must be missing your family. " Jasmin asked and Naina got little emotional listening this.

"Oh, I am so sorry if I hurt you. Don't worry from now on you are our friend. Ok, now smile". Jasmin cheered her up.

"Come on let's celebrate our new friend,so Naina tell me what would you like to have? " Amber asked.

"Anything but vegetarian "she said in a low voice.

And they started looking at her in surprise.

"You are vegetarian!!!Ian asked in curiosity.

"I'm from Hindu brahmin family, we don't eat meat not even eggs. " She told them.

"So what do you eat? ". I just know Two Or three vegetarian dishes." Asked Tyler.

"There are thousands of vegetarian recipes. Have you tried any Indian food? "She asked giggling.

"Yes, Butter chicken and Tanduri chicken " Tyler told her.

"Well next time you must try vegetarian Indian food, I'm sure you'll like it " She said smiling.

"So, Naina do your name also has a meaning? , because I heard Indian names always have meaning " James questioned her.

"Yes, Naina means, eyes"she told smiling.

And Ian was thinking that her name really suits her because she had the most beautiful eyes.

After that they had their lunch together. Ian told her that he will discuss about the project tomorrow after classes.

At night he was thinking about her .

Naina.... I have never seen a girl like her. All the girls are ready to throw themselves on me but she...... She is so different, so simple, so beautiful . Oh God, again I started thinking about her.I should stop this now. She is my classmate and my partner in project that's it" He told himself and went to sleep.


"Why he was looking at me.... May be I was mistaken. Yes, thats what happened" Naina told herself after what happened in the cafeteria.

She spent her weekend with Shreya. She took her out. She had so much fun with her. Next day when Professor Singh gave assignment she was surprised to find out that her partner was non other than Ian.
At first she was hasitating but than she went to him to discuss project. Shreya was right ,he was very humble. He talked to her very politely even his friends were very nice. They had lunch together. She couldn't believe how surprised they got to know that she was a vegetarian. Anyways as far as, project was concerned she wanted it to be the best.


Today James had seen a completely different side of Ian. They were talking when Naina came and his expressions changed completely. For the first time he saw him so nervous. He had never seen him like that and during lunch break the way Ian was looking at her and continuously smiling it was so unlike him.

He always shared his feelings with me. but this time he didn't tell me anything. But as far I can understand I think he is attracted towards her . And if what I am thinking is right than God bless him because After meeting Naina I felt that she is very simple girl and I think she don't know what Ian is feeling for her...... He was continuously thinking.

"Wait.................does Ian himself knows his feelings for her????....

He prayed to God "Please help my friend."

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