On the right wall, there was a window and a table with a tank that nestled a turtle inside of it. The left wall holstered the front door, a coat rack, and a hall leading back to the bedroom and bathroom, and the kitchen was viewable from the couch, right across from a small dining area. There was a high counter and cabinets hanging down, but there was still enough space to peak through at Baekhyun.

And on the in table, there was a framed photo, Baekhyun was in it. He was smiling cheerfully, wrapping his arms around someone else a bit taller than him, their hair was wet and they seemed to be wearing bathing suits. Taeyong found that the most noteworthy thing amongst everything he saw within Baekhyun's house, his demeanor just in that one photo seemed to exude something entirely different from what Taeyong had seen in the present.

"Thank you." Taeyong stated softly, "It's no problem." He replied. They sat there in silence for a moment, Taeyong would only look down at his coffee or out of the apartment window, still not making eye contact with Baekhyun. Finally, a stuttered question comes out of Taeyong's mouth, barely audible. "D-Do you know if there's a train around here? I'm not from Maine, I just came here for work. And sometimes I hear a train at night, but I've never seen train tracks."

Baekhyun found this somewhat bizarre, he's lived there for 15 years now and not once has he ever heard something even resembling a train. Maybe it's a misunderstanding, the boy thinks he hears a train but it's actually a car horn or something, or maybe he's psychotic, either way there's no train near this area. "No, there's not. Is there any way you could be confusing this sound with something else?" Taeyong shook his head.

He's probably psychotic. Or at least, that's what Baekhyun thought, it was ironic since he was was the one standing in the rain a couple minutes ago. "Well, I've gotta be on my way, I guess I'll catch you around town." The peculiar stranger said. "Leaving so soon? That's a shame, I wish we could've talked a little longer." Baekhyun was a bit disappointed to see him go, was he that bored? Or did he just enjoy looking at a pretty face?

Either way, he seemed to be in a hurry, Baekhyun must have caught him at a bad time. "Me too..." Taeyong blushed a bit, swishing his somewhat long hair behind his left ear. "But I just don't have time right now, or else I'd sit and talk. Thanks for the coffee, have a good evening." He rushed out the door before Baekhyun had a chance to process it.

The entire interaction was peculiar, but he pushed it aside. Things felt different, for those short moments that Taeyong was around him, he felt like someone was there, like someone was actually there for once.

"Well, I guess it's just me and you now, Maturin." He leaned down so that he was eye to eye with his turtle. He stood back up to take a gander out his window, covered in raindrops, a few racing each other down to the bottom of the glass.

rain really was beautiful to him, he liked it more than the sunlight, the moonlight, the calm autumn breeze, none ever made him feel the way that the rain did. The water washed up memories, should they have been forgotten was something he'd never consider.

The revving of the engine under him is powerful, as he guides his bike through the curving street. Through it hadn't rained tonight, the fog filled corners and crevasses that would remain unseen. The cold air glided under his jacket, under his helmet, sending a shiver to his spine and goosebumps to his body.

It's not enough for his stance to change though, he stays situation on his bike the same way. Through the mysterious night, he wandered, he didn't know where he was going or why he was going there but he knew he had someplace to be.

Something called him, in this God forsaken town, lately he could feel it, something to gravitate towards. How people act strange when an earthquake is on the horizon, that feeling of premonition, calling, oddity. It rumbled within him just like the revving of the engine of his motorcycle.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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