TASM1 Part 5 Spiderman

Start from the beginning

Now shows police in Peter's house talking to May and Peter standing there listening with a sad face, "Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist. I need you to take a look." The police shows May a picture of the shoplifter, "No, I don't know him."

"I didn't expect you would, ma'am. Homicide detectives are on it. We'll see what they turn up." May nods shakily and says, "Okay." As the officer is about to leave Peter asks, "Can I have that?" The officer gives if to Peter and says, "Sure. There's one other thing. He has a star tattooed on his left hand."


Shows the shoplifters hand when he was grabbing the money.

Peter then looks at May and sees that she is very upset.

"Please don't do what I think you are about to do Peter." Peter 2 says shaking his head. Peter 3 looks down.

Then the scene changes to Peter in his room listening to the message Ben left for him, "Peter, I know things have been difficult lately and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling." Peter looks down ready to cry but holds it in.

"It's ok to cry sometimes you know." Bucky says knowing what he is feeling.

The next day in school everybody is whispering and looking at Peter with pity. It then shows Peter at his locker and Flash comes around the corner, "Hey, Parker." Peter doesn't look at him and just says, "Not today, Flash." "Come on, I just want to talk."

"Bad idea he will probably do something rational out of anger sadness and grief." Coulson says Fury nodding in agreement.

Peter then spins around grabs Flash and slams him into the lockers everyone stops what they are doing and look at them.

"Called it." Coulson says. Carol then says, "Peter its ok you feel upset just talk to someone you trust so you don't do anything you'll regret." Peter looks down already knowing what it is going to show.

Flash looks at him with fear but also sadness, "It feels better, right? Look, your uncle died. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry. Okay?" Peter puts his head down and then slowly lowers Flash he quickly closes his locker and walks away Gwen spots him, "Peter." He looks at her with a sad face Gwen just gives him a hug, but Peter just walks off.

'Poor Peter' is the only thought in everyone's head. Peter 1 looks at him knowing what it is like to lose a father figure because he has lost 3. Peter 3 lost 2, Peter 1 gives him a hug and says, "I know what it is like you're not alone."

It then shows Peter get home and he sees may on the couch and he puts a blanket on her. He goes to his room and looks at the picture of the guy that killed his uncle.

"Peter don't tell me you went looking for him?" Peter 3 just once again looks down and Ben just looks down sadly.

It then shows Peter walking down a street at night. It then shows a few people in an alley.

"Stay away from him. You understand? Stay away from Joey."

Then you hear, "Hey!" it then it shows a silhouette of a man, you like beating on girls? You like beating on old men?"

"Peter, remember you have super strength." Gamora says. "Control your temper." Nebula says. Peter just sighs remembering what happens.

"Hey, pal... keep walking. You're in the wrong place."

Peter 1, 2, and 3's worlds reactingWhere stories live. Discover now