"What's wrong with you two?" she flickered her eyes back and forth from her girlfriend to her best friend.

That's when Aeri leaned in closer to her girlfriend's ear to whisper what was going on. Ning fell into a teasing smirk, looking at Minjeong.

But Minjeong disregarded this and dropped her chin onto her palm. She came into her senses in a swish, finally parting her lips to speak.

"Did you guys hear about the fireworks show tonight? The plaza nearby is surely going to get crowded." she stared at the table, trying to avoid the gazes she attracted. "How about we do that?"

Immediately, she received a yes from her friends except for Jimin.

"These days... I'm not good with rushing crowds." she paused a second before continuing. "Still, it sounds fun, and since it is my last day... might as well make the most of it. I'm down."

Settled with how they were going to meet and spend the day after classes, everyone began leaving the table one by one until the only ones left were Jimin and Minjeong.

There was this immense silence and it felt unbearable. Jimin was about to break this silence but Minjeong got ahead and sighed loudly.

"Haaahhh... It's only been a day since we've been back to friends." she sat up and playfully punched the taller on the shoulder. "Good luck with that competition! I heard that you're really good."

"You're being weird." Jimin pressed back a laugh, "Are you worried? Going to miss me?"

"Me?" Minjeong snickered, "As if~ To me, we technically just met."

"Tch, I guess that part of you didn't change."

"Oh, what's that?"

"You're no fun."

Minjeong laughed, "You should see me inside a club."

Jimin raised a brow, "You go to clubs?"

"Uhuh, I remember that's when the rumors started circulating," she answered so casually.

Jimin narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Really, Minjeong... just how many did you...?"

"I told you, it's countless." Minjeong stretched her arms, "Why ask? Don't tell me we haven't done that before when we were dating?" she grinned in interest.

"Ah, no worries. We already did in high school."

"High...high school?!"

Minjeong exclaimed as Jimin erupted in laughter.

"You're joking," she pointed a finger.

Jimin was indeed joking, it was only to mask the disappointment she felt knowing how the girl did many things that weren't to her liking. Though, they weren't dating anymore so she thought being jealous about it was unnecessary.

She solely huffed and continued with her antics, not answering Minjeong, then giving her a playful wink before grabbing her bag to walk away.

"H-Hey!" Minjeong stood up and trailed after.

| Jimin's POV

The hours passed by in a flash and it was already nighttime. Honestly, I feel a bit tired and would love to lie on my bed and sleep. But thanks to a particular someone, her aroma, woke me up. Her laughter filled my ears and it was enough to fill me with energy.

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