"are you hungry?" he speaks to brooke.

Holding out his hand for her to take, she refuses hopping out of toms side of the bed to Avoid him.

He rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything, walking out of the bedroom down the hall to the living space.

Brooke follows begrudgingly behind him, taking her time to observe the apartment.

They had gone for a rather dark and sleek look.Dark wooden marble floors matched with dark walls, artificial lighting lit the room, helping the prison like feel brooke felt.

"You can't go through these doors. There locked, nothing in 'em' anyway" Cillian calls behind him, as they pass several closed doors,

"this one" he knocks against a door that had a key code access, "is my office. Tom will let you through if

They finally reach the end of the hall that leads to the living room.

"That" he continues his tour, pointing to the far corner that had a room built into it, "is the spare bathroom. Feel free to turn it into your own little beauty spot if you wish. Last thing I want is to be fighting off nail polishes and hair straighteners looking for toothpaste"

Cillian waltzes behind the kitchen island, pulling out a folded menu. Stretching out his hand to the stool on the opposite side, he begins to speak," options for breakfast"

She takes the seat in mindless obedience, her thoughts consumed by her desire for water. Placing the menu in front of her, Cillian continues to speak,

"If there is something that you want that's not on there. You can still order it, they are very accommodating"

He stretches his hand out to touch brooke's head causing her to jolt back.

"Please", she begins and cillian raises his eyebrows, " i would really like a glass of water"

Cillian complied with the order, turning and grasping a glass cup from the black top cupboard and cold water from the fridge, closing the door with his foot.

He walks around and stops next to brooke chair.

The sound of pouring water was music to her ears.

She takes the cup out of her hands before he had time to give it to her, gulping it down. Once she was finished Cillian pours her another, she takes it with the same gusto.

" settle,  You'll give yourself a belly ache. There's plenty of water". He rubs her back in soothing circles but brooke jerks away from his touch,

With that the glass was taken from brooke's grip.

She reaches for it but he keeps it away, taking the bottle and the glass back into the kitchen.

" life will be very easy for you here if you choose" ,he keeps the cup across the kitchen, away from her,
"but you can have it your way of you'd like"

"Just let me go home, you fucking psycho" she begs.

Cillians slams the cup down on the counter, water jumps over onto the counter. He uses the hand to rub his lower face roughly, his eyes going to the spot on the counter.

"I understand that this is and is going to be difficult for you" he begins, his eyes staying in the same spot, "But I need you to begin to try to adjust. Things will be better when you try and adjust. We'll be a lot kinder to you if we can see you are trying. Being a brat won't get you far with either of us"

His blue eyes shoot to hers.

"Now do you want the drink of water?"

She nods viciously, her throat burning for a drink and he reaches it back out.

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