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Smoke filled my vision, the dark substance clouding my eyes and thought process. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, my heart beating faster than it had ever done before. Screams bled through the smoke, filling the atmosphere with pure dread and fear.

I laid flat on the floor, gasping for any possible pocket of breathable air. My back hurt from the chunks of cement and I could feel sharp edges of shattered glass beneath me piercing my skin as I laid there; the aftermath of the explosion. Waves of heat rushed over me, a sea of flames trickled around the ruined area, causing the thick layer of smoke that was intoxicating the breathable air.

That was when I looked at my hands, they were shaking uncontrollably and were covered in dark crimson red. Your blood. My heart was beating slowly, a constant buzz was ringing in my ears from the explosion, and I tried to coordinate every single one of my movements as precisely as possible as I slowly turned my head. It was then that I noticed your body next to mine, just out of reach. Your eyes were closed and blood was soaking your pearl-white shirt. Shattered glass laid scattered in a million pieces on the floor around us. The small pieces of glass poked into my exposed arms, causing sharp moments of pain, like little knives stabbing me repeatedly, almost as a reminder of the past year, but all was masked by the raging adrenaline.

Slowly, your warm yet icy blue eyes opened and stared at mine, only inches away from me, pleading for help. I'd never seen such pain in your eyes before, it tore me apart. I wanted to move closer, but the burning pain in my body prevented me from doing so. I stared at you; I tried to communicate with you, I tried to tell you we're going to be fine. But then your eyes softly shut as you exhaled. You moved your hand shakily towards mine, but then it stopped, everything stopped, as a huge cloud of dark smoke covered your face. 

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