12| Dinner, Dessert, & Surprises

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Looking in the mirror one last time, I straighten out the wrinkles in my dress and apply a final layer of lip gloss with shaking hands

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Looking in the mirror one last time, I straighten out the wrinkles in my dress and apply a final layer of lip gloss with shaking hands.

I hate how nervous I feel. It's not like I haven't had dinner at the alpha's house before. They were a weekly event when Dad was still alive and I was just there last weekend. Yet somehow this feels different...more. Like I'm finally taking the first steps towards my future. Or one of my possible futures.

"Bayleigh Rose, we don't have all evening," Nene calls, most likely standing at the bottom of the stairs, checking her watch, and tapping her feet impatiently.

I give myself a second last look in the mirror before grabbing my purse and rushing out of my room. Sure enough, I find Nene exactly where I expect.

The moment my feet meet the bottom step, she turns around and heads for the front door as I try to keep up. Her personal driver is already waiting for us outside, standing beside the town car. He opens the side door for us as we walk down the porch steps.

"I would think you'd be more ready for tonight than anyone," Nene says, walking with sure steps down the sidewalk.

Not more ready than you.

I nod behind her. "I am. Just wanted to look my best is all.

She glances over her shoulder to give my appearance a once-over and makes a sound of disapproval.

I'm tempted to say something to her, remind her that this is just a small dinner and not some fancy get-together, but I don't get the chance. Not when a familiar boy with pitch-black hair and dark tempting eyes steps out from behind a tree near the side of the road.

Nene immediately stops in her tracks, her back stiffening with surprised tension. "What are you doing here?"

Tripp's cold gaze flicks to her for a brief moment but it says so much even in that short amount of time. He's daring her to stop him, to break the guidelines given to her by the alpha and elders.

She scoffs and raises her head so high with arrogance I swear she can sniff the stars. But when Tripp slowly passes her to get to me, she doesn't stop him. Instead, she takes a step away as if getting too close to him will dirty her designer dress.

"Bay," Tripp says as he approaches, his voice low, threatening almost.

Those intense mesmerizing eyes are locked on me, a challenge dancing in their depths.

I anxiously shift my weight from one foot to the next, my nerves going haywire being this close to him after staying away for so long. The urge to get closer or run away wars inside me.

I should've known he'd catch me sooner or later...or that I'd let him.

As if sensing my mixed emotions, Tripp steps closer, his body tensing in preparation. "Don't run."

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