A mother comes back from the otherside

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Monaca pov

Years and years I walked threw the hall of the silent dead looking for my daughter Mui but nothing I'm starting to realize maybe my baby isn't dead but alive but how can I know now have taken my own life then I remember the Fates Hades three witches could help me return to the living world so i appear as a spirit to the fates

"Lachesis, Clotho, Atropos I needed your help."

"Monaca is that you?" Spoke Lachesis who took the eye from her sisters and saw the spirit

"Please I needed to come back"

"Your daughter causing great harm Towa if not stop she will bring the death of others."

"Please I needed to be with her console her."

"We must bring Hades." Once summoned Hades is stunned to see the ghost of long love


"Hades." He attempted to hug her but couldn't it

"Hades I knew it she alive."

"Yes but."

"I know I have to come back."

"Yes I can do that." Hades uses the magic he had left and bring Monaca completely back and how she looked before the suicide


"Hades." He kissed her and she returned it passionately when they part

"We have to stop miu."

"But how we can't leave the isle."

"Well have to find a way miu isn't destructive."

"When she heard Mal caused you to do miu was already wanting revenge on what they did to her but when your name of Mal mouth and your death miu may be so enraged she might want to kill Mal and the daughter of Ursula." Towa gulp nervously worried her daughter and scared of the consequences that she might uphold.

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