Pretty ugly memory

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Miu was ready for her revenge so her and the monokubs left her Kingdom Ben was making sure he to meet Miu demands when monophanie and monokub appear and clap down his wrist

"Rise and shine Ursine" they said then the rest of the monokubz and Miu appear

"Hello dear brother in law"

"Miu please" she walks up to him face to face

"Hideous isn't it" Ben stayed quiet

"The torture I went threw because of their jealousy I was once a happy girl with a beautiful mother and loving father young helpless and sweet until your fiance and Uma decided that life was not for me" she brought his face closer to her

"This is what they did to me" she walks a bit away from him

"And what they did to my mommy" she grip the Sceptre tighter

"Uma and Mal made my mommy mentally sick and she offed herself because of what they did but it will soon come to in end Ben" she turns to him and walks up to him

"I'm going to make sure Mal and Uma had the same beating they gave me and Mal .... I'm not just going to cut her eye I'm going to leave her blind" Ben eyes widen in terror

"No please Mal change she's not the same girl she was before" she laughed

"You think I care if she changed" then got serious grab him by the hair and pulled him closer to her

"I'm going to make her life a living hell and in front of all of auradon to see monokubs let's go" once at auradon Mal and the others see monophanie their

"Puhpuhpuh hello core and others momma has a message for you" she projeced a hologram and their was Miu and the rest of the monokubz monotaro and monokub held down Ben

"Ben!" Said Mal Miu grinned

Oh sweet sissy oh Shrimpy others your just in time Ursine

"Miu please don't hurt him"

Hurt him why he never did anything to me..... His just so cute I wonder how he taste

"Miu you better" Miu brought him over she placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him the core Uma Harry and Gil eyes widen and mouth drop as Miu parts a trail of saliva connect the two Mal felt anger come over her jealousy

Hmmmm Mal his tasty such an addiction I wonder how you are in bed

"Miu I swear" Mal growled Miu eyes glowed in pleasure

That's it that's the Mal who torture me see let your real self show see Ben that anger is what your marrying that's the anger that took it frustration out on me.

"Miu please let him go" Mal begged Miu laughed

Oh now your begging Mal oh so cute I mean we're you begging the same way to my mother when she killed herself!

"Miu I'm..."

Oh such a life but now since I have you and Uma MONOTARO MONODAM GET EM

The bears grab Uma and Mal dragging them and bring them up

"MAL/UMA" shout the core and others Miu laughs she appears right their grinning down

"Now since I have you two" she snapped her fingers Ben poof on to the core  and others and she takes Mal and Uma


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