Chapter 2 Fighting Akagi and Kaga

Start from the beginning

Akagi: First Carrier Division Akagi

Kaga: First Carrier Division Kaga

Akagi and Kaga: Behold and tremble

The battle gets even more intense

Javelin: There is no end to this

Laffey 459: Wish we have a destroyer who can take on carriers

Norfolk fires but falls due to the shockwave of her guns

Meanwhile Laffey 724 is helping with Anti Air

Laffey 724: Well this Ciws Phalanx is a legend and I also have the AGM-183 Hypersonic Ballistic missile

The others are being brought down due to wave after wave of planes then the British Supermarine spitfire destroys a huge chunk of the Strike wave

Cleveland: Interceptors?

Zoom in to Unicorn

Unicorn: Don't hurt my friends

she assembles her rigging

Laffey 724: What the fuck?

Kaga: That Girl she is an Aircraft Carrier such a Lean body not much of a meal but a prey is a prey

The Kutsine mask or Fox mask dissipates and Kagas ship turns into a live fox


Cleveland: What the

Laffey 724: What the fucking Blyat, is this Godzilla

Kaga: I shall devour you

The giant fox starts attacking unicorn

Javelin: Not on my watch

Laffey 459: Look out

Laffey 724: LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT!!!!

Laffey 459 pushes Javelin out of the way then Laffey 724 pushes her predecessor away and jumps to avoid the torpedoes

Laffey 724 : Holy moly I dodged that

Javelin: Who are You

Laffey 459: You look like a bunny.

Laffey 724:  No time to explain

Ayanami: Taste the power of the demon!!!

Laffey 724 manges to hold Ayanamis broadsword

Laffey 724: Ahh crap

Ayanami: this broadsword is the demon smell it

Laffey 724 is struggling to keep the broadsword from peircing her

Then when all is lost A blue eagle comes in and goes right through the giant fox

Akagi: Nani

They all see a carrier

Cleveland: That's her the Eagle Unions strongest carrier

Akagi: The Grey ghost the Great E

Kaga: So it's you

Enterprise:  Enterprise Engage

Her ships disappears and hundreds of wisdom cubes start to form her Rigging and with that she jumps on her plane and start to perform extreme stunts

Javelin: Incredible

Ayanami: Shocked face

Enterprise starts to get closer to Kaga

Kaga: Interesting ( Fires blue flames)

Enterprise jumps on the giant fox head and starts to run towards Kaga

Kaga: Come at me show me you power phantom Graaaaaaagh

Enterprise dodges them all

Kaga: You

Enterprise: Owori Da

She shoots multiple arrows toward Kaga' Bust it damages her and makes the giant fox disappear

Kaga: How dare you damage this body this belongs to my sister but I won't go down easy

launches a full squadron of bommers but all gets incinerated from something

Kaga: Who dares destroy my bommers

Laffey 724: Me

Kaga: Heh your just a mere destroyer what are you going to do to me you tin can

Laffey 724: This

She Launches 10 AGM-183 Hypersonic missiles

Kaga: Hah you missed

Laffey 724: I don't think so

The Missiles start to go down a fuller hypersonic speed

Kaga: What

Akagi: What kind of rockets are that shake em off

Laffey 724: it radar guided

The Missiles are just a few seconds away and Laffey 724 says

Laffey 724: Owori Da

Comment if that is Okay to use that word


Kaga and Akagi: Aaaaaaaaaaagh

Laffey 724: Just because I'm a destroyer doesn't mean I'm just as dangerous as a battleship, I'm the ship that would not die

Kaga: Tch


Kaga: ( Gets A little scared)

Then shells and planes start to destroy the siren ships

Illustrious and Prince of Wales join in

Unicorn: Onee chan

Cleveland: sheesh someone's late

Then A red paper plane hits Laffey hand and it explodes into fire

Zuikaku: my seniors it's time

Akagi and Kaga prepares to leave

Akagi: Consider this a Decleration of war Azur Lane

Kaga: the mighty must control the future we Crimson Axis will crush your redemption

Prince of Wales: They got away

Illustrious: Enterprise and Laffeys succeccor saved us

Laffey 724 land back to the water

Prince of Wales: Thanks Laffey

Illustrious: Yes thanks

Enterprise: hey don't I get any thanks

Prince of Wales: Well you did most of the work so yeah you get thanks

Javelin: Wait who is this

Prince of Wales: Oh she is Laffeys succecor

Javelin and Laffey: Whaaaaaaat

To be continued

Hey guys sorry if you find wrong grammars I'm just a first time writer

And I hope you enjoyed Laffey saying Oworida

DD 724 goes to Azur Lane Where stories live. Discover now