"Why do you all hate her so badly? She seems friendly enough to me," Korra asks. Daiyin was fuming and spats her answer. "You have no idea what kind of person she is. You just met her! You have no idea what kind of conniving, vile viper she truly is!"

Her rage was boiling to the surface. The princess huffs in frustration. "Pardon me, I'm leaving," she bows her head before her grandfather and aunt and then storms off. The Fire Lord sighs as he watches the retreating back of his granddaughter.

Izumi runs an exasperated hand over her face. "This is truly a nightmare. She was supposed to come during the dinner three days before her coronation and not a moment earlier." Her father nods in silence. He folds his hands together. "Lady Azina has never been good at following directions. We should have expected something like this from her."

Tenzin clears his throat. "Excuse me, Lord Zuko, but there are some things we do not understand. Why is there such hatred towards Lady Azina? She seemed delightful and charming just now." 

The Fire Lord sighs once more. "If only she was truly like that," he grumbles. He seems to suddenly remember the presence of their guests again and turns towards them with his usual welcoming smile. "Please, continue to eat. I will go after Daiyin."

Daiyin was sitting with crossed legs on the grass, her arms spread wide in order to meditate. There was a sense of tranquility around the garden. Not a sound was made except for the clatter of the water inside the pond and the occasional quack of a turtle duck.

One of the ducks was sitting in her lap, its head tucked down as it was fast asleep. A small litter of turtle ducks was resting besides the Crown Princess as well, leaving her unable to move. However, Daiyin wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment.

But, like always, she was painfully aware of the impossibility of it.

"I knew I would find you here."

Daiyin's eyes open wide, but she didn't move in fear of scaring the turtle ducks. Her grandfather's footsteps were barely audible on the soft grass. He sits down as well and immediately a few of the turtle ducks move to sit against him as well. With one finger he gently caresses the head of one of them.

Zuko sighs deeply. "You know that we can't always escape her." Daiyin nods her head, her expression solemn. "I know. I just... I hate her." She spats the word with a deep seeded rage that built up from years of resentment. Lady Azina was a pest that Daiyin wished to eradicate, but unfortunately she could not without causing a riot.

"The only thing that is keeping me from melting her face off at this point is knowing she will disappear after the coronation," the princess admits. "Indeed, it is just a short while. Until then, you have no obligation to see her except for the dinner."

"- Which is barely two weeks away. That means I will see her every day for a little less than two weeks. Grandfather, that is unbearable," she groans. Zuko gently pats her back. "And yet you will have to go through with it. As Fire Lord there will be many things you will see as unbearable but must be done for the sake of the Fire Nation."

Daiyin stares silently into the pond. She would do everything for the land she was born into. She would fight to the bitter end to protect it.

Perhaps she could get through the next two weeks by keeping her eyes on the end goal..

"Avatar Korra, what a pleasure it is to meet you in person."

Lady Azina was warm in giving her welcome and invites the Avatar into her suite. Korra shakes the woman's extended hand. "It is nice to meet you too, Lady Azina. I had a few questions, if you would not mind."

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