Chapter 18: Mall Mayhem

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I slowly opened my eyes as I squinted at the bright mall lights above me. Groaning, I rolled over to my side.

And I was met with a widely grinning face.

"Great jumping cheeseballs!" I shrieked, sitting upright from my position on the floor.

"Hiya!" Jamie said cheerily, waving to me.

"J-Jamie?!" I asked, still a bit dazed. "W-Why are you here? Where is everyone?"

Then I gasped in horror.


"Calm down, Y/n!" Jamie told me as I glanced around the room in a panic. "I'm here so I could watch over you, to make sure nothing terrible happened. Everyone's gone on a shopping spree in a bunch of different stores. And unfortunately --" He put a hand on my shoulder. "-- there was never a wormy burger."

As I flung myself to the floor in despair, mourning the loss of my wormy burger, a thought came to me.

"Wait," I said as I sat up, "you're telling me that everyone just left? While I was unconscious? And nobody bothered to wake me up?!"

"Yes, sadly," replied Jamie, bringing me into a hug. "I tried to convince them to stay. But don't worry, I stayed with you the whole entire time!"

"Oh," I said slowly, eyeing my brother suspiciously. "Okay then."

Standing up, I brushed some dust and small bits of debris off my pants. Jamie stared at me. "Where are you going?"

"To explore the mall, of course!"

"But it's dangerous, Y/n. There's, like, tons of zombies --"

I ran away before he could finish his sentence.

"H-Hey!" he shouted, waving his arms. "Y/n! Get back here!"

"Sorry, brother! I'll see you later!"

I'm not sure how long I ran for, but after a few minutes, I had to stop. My body was super out of shape, and running felt like there were a million tiny splinters pricking my side.

"Woo!" I panted, wiping some sweat off my face. "I really... really hate running."

After I caught my breath, I started to stroll through the mall. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of zombies up here on the second floor, so I did whatever I liked.

My first stop was the bookstore.

Pushing the silver door open, I looked around and grabbed an empty basket, quickly making my way over to the manga section.

"Okay, let's see," I murmured as I took out and flipped through some books. "They don't seem to have any Haikyuu!! here, which is a bummer, but there's a couple of Spy X Family ones. Ooh! Volumes 25 and 27 of My Hero Academia! And Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun? Should I just live here?"

After an hour, I emerged from the bookstore with a giant grin and 15 new books in my basket.

Up ahead, I could see a pharmacy. The doors were shut and locked, and some blue vine thingys had managed to curl around the handles, making it hard to enter.

I stopped in front of the doors and placed my basket down. Taking out my crowbar, I whacked the vines multiple times, until they finally broke and retracted themselves from the handles. Then I smashed the lock with the crowbar, and picking up my basket, I opened the doors and stepped inside.

I got some medicine and first-aid kits, as well as some lotion and aloe vera. I threw them all in my basket and was about to leave until I remembered something.

The Last Kids on Earth X Fem!Reader [ON HIATUS + UNDER EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz