Chapter 7 - Furry Friends

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"Ack!" I yelped as I bonked my head against the low ceiling of the sewers.

At the moment, I was crawling through the pipes, making small splish and splash noises as I went. My combat boots were slowly getting wetter and wetter as I went deeper underground, which caused an unpleasant feeling to reach up first to my toes. Then my ankles. Then my knees.

Another ten minutes and I'd be drowning in my own sweat. And toilet water. Ew.

You see, while I was in my room, I realized that I couldn't be cooped up there forever. So, I started going back down the familiar routes out to another place.

The problem was, I had no idea where I was going.

Hey, don't judge me! You wouldn't know where to go either if you made a dramatic exit, stayed hidden from your friends for 3 and a half hours, and was groping around the sewers. Which you probably wouldn't do, because you're probably still sane.

Anyways, I gave up and sat down on a nearby ledge, pulling my wet knees up to my chest. Sighing, I looked around. There wasn't much down here, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw a family of mice hiding in a crack in a wall a few meters away from me, probably terrified.

Honestly, I'm not very fond of mice, but that family looked really cute.

Two baby mice were hiding behind another mouse, which I assumed was their mother, because she was trying to usher them back inside the crack.

The other one, which was probably the father, was bravely guarding their little home, his teeth bared and his tiny fists raised.

It was quite adorable, actually.

I knew that they were trying to act tough, but I could see that the entire family was trembling from their teensy toes to their furry heads.

Not wanting to scare them off, I slowly got up and started towards them.

As soon as they saw me stand up, the mother and the children gave frightened squeaks and the father hissed, putting his fists up higher.

"Shh.. it's okay," I said in a soft voice, "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise."

The father was still tense, but I could see that my soft voice had soothed the mother and the children, because they were slowly peeking their heads out from behind the crack.

When I took another step forward, the father jumped onto my right boot and tried to bite me.

I mean, that's very brave of you, Daddy-Mouse, but you have just one problem: I'm a human.

Instead of shaking him off, I reached down and gently picked him up with both of my hands.

The mouse squealed in protest, but I didn't let go.

Instead, I gently stroked his furry head, trying to show that I wasn't a threat.

"Hey, it's alright," I whispered, "you're safe with me."

The mouse relaxed, probably from my soothing voice and the stroking. When I lifted my finger to itch behind my ear, he hissed, and using his little hands, he grabbed my finger and pulled it back down to his head.

Then he squeaked sharply at me, as if ordering me to continue rubbing his head.

Well, at least I gained his trust.

I gently put him back down to the muddy ground. His family finally came out behind of their crack.

Not wanting to seem hostile, I crouched down and waited.

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