Chapter 13: Joe the Hoe

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I was in a black void.

Dark. Silent. Empty.

Then I saw a figure in the distance.

"Um.. hello? Stranger person?" I asked hesitantly. "Can you help me? I need to find my friends--"

I stopped.

The silhouette in the shadows turned around.

His green eyes glowed like bright emeralds in the dark, a slightly mischievous glint hidden among them.

Since we can't just call him stranger-person, we'll call him...


Yeah... Joe's a great name!

So, Joe glanced at me, and without saying a word, tilted his head towards the darkness stretching beyond him.

I shifted my gaze to the inky abyss.

And then everything faded away.

"What the fudge--"

A new scene popped up around me. I was in the bus. You know, the bus I was sitting in when this entire fiasco started?

As my eyes wandered here and there, gazing at everyone talking and laughing on the bus seats, I saw myself.



"But... I'm here! So how..." I trailed off.


Lemme try something.

Slowly, I walked up to a random girl, who was giggling with her friends.

Oh my.

If it isn't Jilly McGollen.

She had way too much lipstick on her face, smudged here and there. But she seemed a bit... transparent, if that's the word.

So I slapped her face.

Just as I suspected.

My hand passed straight through her face, feeling nothing but cold air.

Then I felt somebody's gaze on me, so I turned around, and who did I see?

Joe the hoe, of course!

He pointed to a certain seat.

I went over and saw him. His past self. On my school bus.

But why--?

Then everything turned black again.

I saw a montage, blurring past me as hundreds of images swirled around me like a tornado.

Joe watching me confront Dirk.

Joe seeing the apocalypse start.

Joe running to an empty house, gasping for breath.

Then in the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow moving closer to the panting Joe, speeding up as if it had seen a delicious meal.

I stared as Joe yelled at the shadow, uttering silent words that I couldn't hear.

It was like the entire thing was on mute mode.

Then a flash of green light. And I finally heard the first sound in Joe's life montage.

A scream.

That turned into a roar.

Because standing in Joe's place was none other than the purple beast Blarg himself.

He growled fiercely, and to anyone else, it might've sounded like a normal growl.

But I was in a strange dimension where Joe's thoughts connected to mine.

And that growl said a name.


The images disappeared as soon as my name was uttered, and I sat up, gasping for air. My chest burned like crazy, but that didn't matter. I needed to get to him. Now.

"Y/n!" I heard a voice shout. "You're alive?! How--"

A set of hands tried to lift me up from the filthy ground, but I pushed them away.

"No!" I mumbled, sounding like a whiny 5-year-old. I started crawling over to the place where Blarg was seen last, which was now a giant smoking crater.

When I finally reached the crash site, I started digging the ground, searching for something, anything, that might look like him. Dirt caked my fingernails, but I didn't care.

"Y/N!" June's voice. "What are you doing?! You need to rest! Come on--"

"NO!" I shouted, louder this time, my movements becoming frantic. "I need to find him-- I have to help him!"

At the time, my friends might've thought that I was crazy. But the truth was, I wasn't.

I was just a very desperate 13-year-old girl, digging the ground and getting dirt everywhere.

Because now I knew Joe's story.

And I also recognized Joe.

It was so clear now.

Their eyes were identical.

See, before you guys think I'm crazy, lemme explain.

Joe is Blarg. Blarg is Joe.


Joe is Jamie.

And Jamie is my brother.

Which means that my brother was trying to kill us all along.


That kinda ruins the sibling bond, doesn't it? Trying to kill your sister? Right?

I'm... sorry.

I've been so busy binge-watching shows on Disney + that I kinda forgot this existed lol. :D

I know this isn't much but hopefully it will be enough to fill your hungries!

Shoutout to @fae2008 for guessing Y/n and Tommy's story!

Love y'all!


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