Sano Majiro x Black oc Reader Part 3

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Ayo and the gang were heading to school. Ayo asked, "Why do you guys feel the need to walk me to school every morning?" Hinata said, "Remember, your dad said we need to make sure you'll be safe coming and going to school." Ayo said."Thanks, Hina." Draken said, "Besides, don't you want to walk with your boyfriend?" As he chuckled. Mikey looked away while blushing. Ayo held Mikey's hand and said, "Maybe." Mikey smiled and said, "I'm just glad your father is letting you come with us after school." Ayo asked, "What's so important about me hanging out with you on Friday?" Mikey said, "Well, you want to get to know me, and tonight, you will." Ayo said, "You better pull nothing funny, or your face will be full of cement."

Mikey said, "I'm not a pervert or stupid. I want you to like me, not hate me." Ayo said, "Well, I can tell you one thing about me. I am not a salad-eating chick." Mikey hugged Ayo from behind and said, "That's fine. I like women who have meat on their bones." Takemichi started blushing. Ayo blushed as well and said, "Your silver dollar talk won't charm me that quick." Mikey said sweetly, "had to try, but I was telling the truth, Ayo."

In school

Ayo was walking around through the hallways when she heard some girls gossiping about her. One girl said, "Did you see that girl that hangs around Emma and Hinata?" Another girl named Amy said, "What were they thinking, being friends with that invader?" Shinya said, "Yeah, you think she can talk Japanese?" As they laughed, Ayo came up and said, "流暢な日本語あなたは耐えられないたわごと (Fluent Japanese you intolerable shit). All the girls gasped. Ayo said, "Oh no. You didn't think I heard you. But, alas, you don't think when your head is full of air."

The girls gritted their teeth. Shinya said, "Oh, look, girls. The alien can talk about our language." They laughed. Ayo yawned. Shinya said, "You think Emma and Hinata are your friends?" The other girl said, "Yeah, they are just having pity on you." As they laughed, Ayo joined in with laughter. Ayo took a breath in and out and said, "Well, what you meant to say was that they are pitying me. You can't even say correct Japanese, but it doesn't matter if they are friends with me or not. I know my worth, do you girls know yours?" Ayo turns and walks away. Shinya said, "Get back here, you black ...." Before she could get the next words out, Ayo was strangling her. The girls screamed. Ayo death stared at them, which shut them up in fear. She dropped Shinya and said, "Don't mess with a queen when you're clearly out of your league." Shinya said, "I'll tell the principal about what you did." Ayo whipped out her phone and said, "Honey, I will too. I recorded your whole conversation. How's that?" The girls shuttered. Ayo said, "Have a nice day, girls." As Ayo was on the way to class, Mitsuya was a corner away and heard the whole thing. Mitsuya thought, "Hmm. She's pretty cool."

Friday Evening

Ayo's father came to get her from school. Jin asked, "So, how was school?" Ayo said, "It was good, but I'm sure you heard the situation that went down with those girls. I bet that's why you came to pick me up and probably going to say I can't go with Mikey tonight, right?" Jin stopped outside of the house and said, "You're right about one thing. I heard about the situation but forbidding you from hanging out, not even in the slightest. I wanted to tell you, good job, you handle business with your words, not with your fists like your dad." Ayo was shocked. Jin said, "Don't be too surprised. I wish you would have beat them up, but I and you have to learn to take our anger out in a productive way. Now, let's get in the house and tell your mom. Oh, and I got the recording to listen to. Also, you might want to text that boy and tell him you're still coming." Ayo hugged her dad and said, "Thanks, Daddy."

As Ayo texted Mikey, Jin was talking to Nadia. Jin said, "Nadia, I think that kid, Mikey, is a part of a gang." Nadia asked, "Why would you think that, honey?" Jin said, "Remember when we met and I swore to your parents I would never let anybody or anyone hurt you. He said the same thing. And I might just be feeling like this because of my past, but I just don't want my baby girl to get involved with a guy like..." Nadia said, "Like you?... You know someone who used to be a Yakuza Boss; you've become soft and skittish." Jin's eyebrow twitched, and an irk mark formed on his forehead. Jin grabbed his wife by her waist and said, "You dare to call me soft after all the nights. I have broken your back 😏. Are you sure you want to light that fire, my African queen?" Nadia giggled. Ayo said, "Wow, that's nasty but cute." They both turned around and said, "Oh! Ayo, our beautiful baby." Ayo said, "Calm down, you guys are grown. Y'all can say whatever y'all want to say." Nadia said, "Aww, my baby. So, is your little boyfriend coming?" Ayo said, "That's what he told me." Then they all heard an engine humming outside. As they got outside, they all saw Mikey on a motorcycle.

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