Virgil Hawkins(Static) x Metahuman! Black OC

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[In this story, Virgil and Richie are both in high school and are juniors.]

In hallway, Virgil and Richie were talking about what would they would do when they go to college. Virgil: Yeah, I might go to school at Harvard or SC State." Richie said "Cool! But can you do that by being Static and being the second science wiz?" Virgil said "Yeah, it gets hard. Hey! But what do you by Second science wiz?" Richie started laughing.

In class, Virgil and Richie thinking and writing down some ways to modify their uniforms. They then saw Shanice(Shebang). Shanice said "Hey you guys. So, how does it feel to be a junior?" Virgil said "It feels goods."

As they got in class, the teacher said "Alright class, before we start class. We have a new student who just transferred from Gotham." Virgil and Richie said "Gotham!" When they said, the student walked in.

" Virgil and Richie said "Gotham!" When they said, the student walked in

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As they all looked to the door, they saw a young black woman. She said "H-Hello.. My name is Serena. Nice to meet everyone." The teacher said "What a lovely name! So, can you tell everyone two things about yourself and Gotham?" Serena said "Well... I love cooking and I love superheroes. And in Gotham, there sure are a lot and crime is crazy and that's it." She said with a smile. Richie nudged Virgil and said "Hey, she likes superheroes. If only Static hear..." Virgil hit Richie in the arm. Serena looked at them and giggled. Virgil and Richie looked her and waved. Serena passed by Virgil and he felt chill up his spine and felt shock from her.

About half a hour into the class, the teacher said "In class, who can tell me what would happen if you put two positive magnetic forces together?" The teacher called on Serena and she said "They would repel, just like a positive charge of electricity and another positive charge of electricity." The teacher said "Very good, Miss Serena." Richie said "Looks like she knows about electricity too. Virgil? Virg?" Virgil looked outside and saw smoke coming from the city. Then, Serena looked and saw the smoke. She stood up and asked "Excuse me, Professor Jeremy can I be excused to go to the bathroom?" Professor Jeremy said "Yes, of course. Just come right back." Serena said "I will." She ran out the room.

In the ladies room, Serena said "Never thought I would have to suit up as soon as I get to school." She changed into her Metahuman costume and powers up as her hair and eyes turned white.

" She changed into her Metahuman costume and powers up as her hair and eyes turned white

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[She does resemble Storm in her look and powers. Her hero name: Kamikaze.]

She said "Let's go!" As she blasted off to the city. Virgil and Richie saw a bright white light and Richie said "Oh man. You don't think that the bright light we saw is headed there?" Virgil said "Either that or shooting stars are falling during the day." They both ask the teacher can they go to the bathroom and the Professor sighed and said "Yes." They both ran out the school and got into their outfits and flew to the city.

In the city, buildings and the park had a lot of fire. The flame villian Hotstreak was terrorizing the city. Hotstreak said "Now this is more like it. I thought I needed to let off some steam." As he chuckled. Someone said "Wow, talk about being hot-headed. Didn't know idiots could actually think!" Hotstreak looked around to find that voice. The voice said "Hey Flame-for-brains! Up here!" He looked up and saw a young brown skin girl floating in the air. Hotstreak said "Argh!" As he threw a fireball. She chuckled and threw a snowball at it and it died out. He said "What the?!" She giggled and said "Wow! Is that it?" Then, she saw a crane from off the building leaning. Her eyes were glowing again and she froze the crane to keep it from falling. She said "That one was too close." Then, a fireball came at her and she said "Woah!" As she dodged it. Static and Gear had got closer and they saw Hotstreak blasting fireballs at a young woman. Gear said "Woah! Who is that?!" Static said "I don't know, but she's quick!" In the process, there was a billboard about to fall on some people near the mall. She saw this and asked the two heroes "Hey! Instead of stargazing, can you help those people?" While she distracted, Hotstreak shot a fireball at her. Gear saw that and said "Hey! Look out!" She couldn't react in time to shield herself. She screamed and closed her eyes. She expected to be shot out the sky, but she was unharmed and someone stood in front of her. The boy turned to her and asked "Are you hurt? The name's Static. I put a shock to your system. " She said "No." Then she giggled. While talking, Hotstreak prepared another attack and Serena saw it go near the other guy and said "Hey dude! Look out!" Her eyes started to glow as the sky turned black. The boy said "What's going on now?!" He looked at the girl and thought "Is this happening because of her?" She said "Rain storm!" As it rained down, it put all the fires out and Hotstreak fell from the sky.

After the fires went out, the girl eyes went back to normal and her hair went back to it's black color. The police had to get Hotstreak off of one of their cars and then put him in handcuffs and in the back of the police truck. The two guys were talking and then they see the police ask the girl her name. She said "My name is Kamikaze. And I have to go, bye!" As she started to fly away. Static said "Hey! Wait a minute!" He jumped on his saucer and followed her. Gear said "Hey! Wait up!" As they followed her, she turned around and stopped. Static and Gear stopped and asked "Who are you?" She said "My name's Kamikaze and really must go. Bye!" She blew steam out of her mouth. The steam covered her and blinded Static and Gear. As the steam started clear, they both wondered "Where'd she go?" Then, Gear looked down and told Static he saw something. Gear and Static flew down to a building and saw a picture. Gear picked it up and said "It must be something she dropped." He handed it to Static and he saw something familiar in the picture. Static said "Wait! Is that? Rubberband Man?! Gear looked at the picture again and said "Yeah it is. Wait Virg... look." They also see another person in picture and they both said "Is that? Ebon!!!!" They said "What the....?" Virgil said "Gear, look. There's a little girl in picture. Do you think that was her?" Gear said "Maybe."

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