"What was that all about?" Bramblestripe wondered.

Flowerpetal struggled to smooth the bristling fur along her shoulders, clearly frustrated. "My sister always brings out the worst in me."

Bramblestripe flicked his tail against Flowerpetal's shoulder in sympathy. "I know exactly what that's like."

Flowerpetal gave him a look that told volumes. They may have exchanged more but their moment was interrupted.

"Can we go say hello to some other apprentices?" Weaselpaw asked looking at Flowerpetal and Duskflower.

"Of course," Flowerpetal agreed with a nod.

Weaselpaw headed for a group of young cats close by with Nightpaw following behind him. Upon seeing their approach, a big black tom nudged the dark brown tabby next to him. Almost as one, the other apprentices surrounded Weaselpaw and Nightpaw, curious. The two young GrassClan apprentices suddenly lost their nerve, pressing against each other for comfort.

"You must be new," the dark brown tabby tom meowed. Bramblestripe recalled seeing him at previous Gatherings. He was a PineClan apprentice by the name of Snakepaw. He was near the end of his apprenticeship if he hadn't already been promoted. "How long have you two been training?"

"Only a quarter moon," Weaselpaw answered.

"So what are your names?"

Weaselpaw introduced himself and Nightpaw.

"How do you like training so far?" another brown tabby tom with green eyes asked.

Weaselpaw and Nightpaw exchanged a look.

"Well, I didn't realize just how much work it is!" Weaselpaw confessed. "I mean, one patrol and I'm worn out."

The brown tabby gave Weaselpaw a sympathetic look. "Yeah, I remember how tough training was at first. But don't worry, it gets better."

"It's not all bad." Nightpaw spoke up for the first time. "I like being able to help care for my Clan at last."

Just when Bramblestripe was about to move off, trusting GrassClan's apprentices would be fine, trouble brewed.

"Pathetic!" another brown tabby with white chest and paws scoffed.

Weaselpaw whipped his head around. "What did you say?"

"You heard me," the young tom challenged, ambers eyes sparkling with malice. "You two are pathetic but that's to be expected from GrassClan. Every cat knows you're the weakest Clan."

"What?!" Weaselpaw growled and Bramblestripe knew it was time to intervene.

"Is there a problem here?"

Half the apprentices scattered and the rest looked away guiltily except for the brazen young tom that had started the issue. Unsurprisingly, he smelled of PineClan.

"Maybe," the young apprentice muttered.

"You're all still apprentices so let me fill you in on something you may not know. It is forbidden to fight at a Gathering. The full moon," Bramblestripe meowed, flicking his tail up to it for emphasis, "is a symbol of peace for all the Clans. If you can't do that then you don't belong in the ravine."

"You can't tell me what to do!" the PineClan apprentice hissed.

"But I can!" Snakepaw snapped. "Much as I hate to agree with a rival warrior, he's right. Go sit with your mentor, Houndpaw and stop embarrassing PineClan with your insolence."

Unable to argue, Houndpaw slunk away.

Snakepaw nodded to Bramblestripe before following after his disgruntled denmate.

Bramblestripe was surprised by this show of support but he was thankful the issue had been resolved. With a flick of his tail, he led Weaselpaw and Nightpaw away.

"What was that tom's problem?" Weaselpaw asked.

"That's PineClan for you, always spoiling for a fight," Bramblestripe meowed.

The three of them settled down with a good view of the Mossy Log.

"Do you remember your first Gathering?" Nightpaw asked, looking at Bramblestripe.

"Yes, yes I do," Bramblestripe meowed.

He'd been apprenticed for less than a moon. Thornpaw had pushed him down the slope and-not expecting it-had been unable to catch himself. He tumbled all the way down and landed hard, the breath knocked out of him. Worse, he'd severely sprained one forepaw and had to be escorted back to camp by both Dawnbreeze-the medicine cat before Sunstripe-and his mentor Brackenwhisker. He'd had to stay in the medicine den for a quarter moon. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Nightpaw that.

"Now quiet. The Gathering's about to begin."

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