

He says not making eye contact knowing he would crash.

Roman:How much further till we get there?"

Armin:"Just a few more meters but it's not longer than 25"

Roman:"Okay then stay safe and tell Mikasa I'll see her in abit"


Armin turns but Roman was heading to the closest flare which so happened to be a black one. Roman landed on a roof and he saw a 16 meter titan which running at a group of people and scouts. Roman quickly jumped off the roof and launched himself at the running titan. There were a few titans trying to stop him but he disposed of them. He got closer and he threw he's blade at it's nape which hit and killed the abnormal. The abnormal crushed on the ground and Roman stood over it. He looked up and the scouts and civilians were looking at him.

Roman:"Don't stare at me and get moving!"

The scouts and civilians ran away and probably somewhere far safer.

Roman:"How many titans have I killed now?"

He looks at the evaporating corpse.

Roman:"Oh yeah I killed 10. I am a total natural at this"

He says praising himself. He then started to swing away and he saw alot of titans making there way to HQ and there were no scouts or garrison to be seen.

Roman:"Those cowards!"

Roman yelled before swinging towards the titan. There were 6 in total and 2 of them were 15 meters whole the rest were 5-8 meters tall. One of the titans see Roman and he slices it's eyes off before maneuvering behind it and slicing it's nape. He launched his hook at another one and he pulled himself towards it. He span around and he managed to cut both of it's legs all the way to it's nape. The other 4 saw him and he had no other choice but to get to high ground. Roman tried to get on a roof but one of the 15 meter titans had managed to catch his cord.


Roman retracted the cord but he couldn't balance himself to land safely and as a result he fell down. The titan tried catching him but it accidentally smacked him away. Roman's body dragged across the roof and he slammed into a taller building. Roman's body was very damaged. He had multiple broken bones which were visible. His right arm was bleeding heavily and was missing and his left leg was nowhere to be seen just like his right arm. Roman coughs indicating he was still conscious but barely.

Roman:"That..... Hurt like hell"

He says trying to get up.

Roman:"Shit..... My arms are broken"

He noticed while trying to life himself up. He turned his body so he wasn't face down. He uses his left arm to try pulling himself up. Despite all the pain he had managed to stand up but he fell back down.


He looks at his legs and one was missing. Roman sighs.

Roman:"Is this really how I die?"

He said when out of no where one of the 15 meter titans appeared infront of him. Their eyes were locked onto each other. The titan then lifted one of it's arms to grab Roman. Roman tried backing away but he was too slow and the titan grabs him.

Roman:'All that training I went through, all that hard work for nothing'

He thinks to himself as the titan starts putting him into its mouth.

Paradise Titan(Male Oc x Aot)Where stories live. Discover now