When Manohar brought the pizza to them, Arnav asked, "What is she doing here? Why haven't you kicked her out yet?"

Manohar placed a hand on Arnav's shoulder. "Arnav bitwa, please relax. Ma Ji is talking to her and most likely, she won't be allowed to stay."

"She better not be." Arnav muttered and began to pace back and forth in an effort to fight off his nerves.

Manohar returned to where his wife and mother stood in a heated discussion with Subhadra.

"First you have the audacity to show your face after all this time, and then you think I'm going to let you stay here? Get out, Subhadra. You and your children have done enough harm to my family."

Subhadra smiled coldly. "I'm Arnav's grandmother, Devyani. You can't stop me from seeing my grandson."

"Did you get into an accident?" Manorama asked.

"No," Subhadra said, taken aback.

"Oh, I thought that maybe you got into an accident that gave you amnesia, and that's why you remembered after all these years that you had a grandson."

Subhadra curled her lip. "It seems that your bahu has forgotten how to respect her elders, Devyani."

"She hasn't said anything wrong," Devyani shot back. "Why did you just remember Arnav now?"

"Arnav has gotten married."

"That has nothing to do with you."

"It has everything to do with me. He is my grandson, the last to carry my husband's name. I should have met and approved of the woman that would continue our line."

Devyani snorted. "He's given up your name long ago."

"I'll talk to him. He'll take it back," Subhadra said confidently.

"He's not interested in talking to you," Manohar said. "He wants you to leave."

"I don't believe that. I'm not going anywhere. You should have invited me to his wedding."

"We invited you to Anjali's wedding," Manorama reminded her. "You didn't come then."

"Anjali?" Subhadra scoffed. "That girl has been a black mark on our family since she was born. I'm not interested in her. But Arnav--you know how much I love him. How dare you try to keep me away from him?"

"You've become delusional in your old age, Subhadra. Have you really forgotten everything? I was with Arnav when we came to visit you at your Ashram, begging you to knock some sense into your son. You refused to even meet us."

"I was mourning the death of my eldest son."

"And Chote and Anjali were mourning the death of their parents. But their sorrow mattered neither to you nor to your younger son."

Subhadra waved her hand. "The past is in the past. I wish to have a relationship with my grandson now. Will you really deny me that, Devyani?"

Before Devyani could say that, yes, she absolutely would deny that, a throat cleared, alerting them to Khushi's presence.

"I thought I told you to stay inside the pool room," Devyani said to her.

Khushi glanced nervously at Subhadra. "Naniji, can I talk to you for a second?"

Devyani let Khushi pull her aside. "What is it?"

"I told Lavanya that she's here. And she agrees with me that this might have something to do with Daksh Malik. She says that we should try to keep Subhadra close so we can keep an eye on her."

Intertwined Fates -- An IPKKND FanFicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora