#13: Just like any other day...

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Just like any other day...

I don't know what's going on with my life.

It's as if I was living for too long.

My skin doesn't even age as my numbers,

But my soul is aching like hundreds.

Maybe, I was lonely the moment I remember,

I don't even know the feeling of being happy.

As I continue breathing loudly as possible,

The more I feel tired than the seconds before.

Just like any other day...

I don't know where it all go wrong,

It's as if I didn't do anything right.

My life is full of darkness,

That even turning on the light seems worthless.

Maybe, I was destined to led this life,

I can't even tell the difference of living and existing.

Am I being too hard on myself?

That I end up just breathing air to just live this life.

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