Chapter 31 | Hide

Start from the beginning

"So calling him wouldn't be an option?" I asked and Alex shook his head.

"No we'd have to go to the casino first" he answered and this time it actually felt like we were on the right track.

"My father owns it as a way of transporting drugs so that's where he mostly is. It opens at 9:00 so we could head over then" Alex informed us as he pulled his phone out and started typing on it. I could see hope radiating from his whole body.

"Are you not close with him?" Sergio asked and Alex kind of tensed.

"No I'm not, but Elisia gets along with him well especially since he helped her. He's not a bad man, just never got along with him" he said and his tone told me he still loved him.

"Any siblings?" Sergio asked next.

"An older brother who I also don't get along with" Alex answered and then it went quiet for a few minutes until my mother started to bring the food to the table. I looked at the clock and realized it was still morning. Shit. I don't think I could wait till fucking 9pm.

I wasn't even mad that she brought upon all this chaos.

I was currently re-wrapping my wound before we headed out to the casino Alex's dad owned

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I was currently re-wrapping my wound before we headed out to the casino Alex's dad owned. I hated that my uncle was right about me getting rest because this was the second time my wound reopened. And on top of that I was tired, but that had to do with me getting two to three hours of sleep this whole week. She shot me in the most painful spot, but I guess I could kind of say I deserved it for leaving her here with people I barely trusted.

After I was done I threw on a regular black T-shirt. Then I grabbed my gun and placed it in the back of my pants. I headed downstairs where the guys were waiting for me.

"Ready to go get your girl?" Lorenzo said as I walked in.

"She's not my girl and we don't even know if she's there yet" I glowered at him.

"Whatever" he mumbled. I just shook my head and walked away from him. I headed to our other living room where I knew my mother would be. She was sitting on the couch with a book in her hands. She looked up at me as I walked in.

"We're leaving" I informed her and she nodded her head.

"Julian" my mother said in a demanding tone stopping me before I walked out.

I turned around slowly "don't break that girl's heart more than you already have" she said.

"If you like her tell her" she told me before adding "girls like that don't come around twice"

The thing about my mother was she was always so full of hope and forgiveness. Something I never really had. My mother wasn't built for this world; she only looked at the good and there weren't really good things in the mafia. My father somehow managed to put a bubble around her and protect that special part inside her.

I took in my mothers words before I walked off and headed back to the boys.

"Keep my updated Julian" my uncle demanded as I passed him. I just nodded my head once at him.

"Let's go" I ordered them. They all immediately stood and followed me out the door. We all went in several cars, but this time Alex was the one driving since he knew where to go. Halfway there I felt the shift in him, like he was worried something would go wrong.

He spoke before I could ask him about it "there are two entrances. Jose, Mateo and I should enter through the front and you guys in the back" he informed me.

"Okay" I told him and I suddenly thought about what the hell we are going to do if she is there. Because I have no goddamn idea.

I mean what the hell am I supposed to do, tell her I'm sorry and if she's still mad at me I get on my knees? Fuck no. I've never apologized to someone in my life. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she asked me to do so. And I'm not sure I would tell her no. 

I already knew I was fucked with her when she fell asleep in my bed the first time we slept together.

Alex turned down a road with multiple shops and restaurants and at the very end was a casino named Ravira. It looked nice and maybe even two floors if they used it all for the casino.

"There's an alley that'd lead to the back doors no one should be back there. You guys should go in first and then we'll head in '' he told me and I nodded my head, looking in the side mirror I saw Christan, Adrian and the rest of them pull behind us.

Alex looked at me and I immediately opened the car door and got out because I knew exactly what he was going to ask me and unfortunately I didn't have an answer to it.

I walked to Lorenzo and Vincenzo and told them to go with Alex while Christan, Adrian and Sergio went with me. Alex stood by the car while we headed towards the back. I made sure no one was by the doors before we turned the corner. Christan opened the door first before we all walked in. The casino was a decent size and there was a decent amount of people. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings making it look elegant as it reflected off of the machines and tables. It smelled of cigar smoke with a mix of lavender. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on a curly head sitting with her back to me.

There she fucking was.

She was at a table playing cards with two other women. Without thinking I scanned her and made sure she was all in one piece before I headed towards her. Sergio had said something to me, but I was already gone.

I heard a door open and I was guessing it was coming from the front because Elisia's head snapped up and once she laid eyes on Alex she rose from her seat. I took bigger steps and the moment she turned around I was already close enough that she bumped into me the first step she took. I

immediately smelt her expensive perfume driving me goddamn crazy, she was wearing a black dress that reached her knees hugging every curve on her body, her hair was also down and she had black heels on. She tensed when I put my arms around her and lifted her chin for her to look at me.

I meet pretty hazel eyes, having the sudden urge to kiss her. She looked shocked, but it immediately disintegrated into anger. I leaned down close to her temple as I whispered "you didn't think you could run from me did you?

I am so sorry this chapter was so short, but I hope you guys enjoyed also FYI things are just going to get crazier

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I am so sorry this chapter was so short, but I hope you guys enjoyed also FYI things are just going to get crazier.

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