Knights of Favonious.

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The day ended with them going back to Diluc's place. Now it's like their own home.

Diluc may not admit this but he kinda like having the two of you in his home even though you guys are annoying sometimes. It gives the house more lively than before.

Especially Venti screaming and running around saying "I HAVE MY RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN HERE IN MONDSTADT TO DRINK WINE!" and the maids chasing him as he has Diluc's wine on his hand. The maids telling him not to steal Diluc's wine without paying and also saying he looks too young to drink. Causing you to also stop/chase him.

Diluc liked it because its like having his own siblings but more annoying than Kaeya.

Now when Y/n met Kaeya, she was unsure what to do because he just came home one day and tries to tell something to Diluc but Diluc wasn't there and so is Venti.

So she had to improvise, a part of her power, is to change to male. Taught by of course, Venti.

She had to act like Diluc's other friend trying to ask Kaeya where Diluc left. She was nervous of course and thought "Why did I do this?"

"Hey there stranger inside our house." Kaeya was absolutely confused as to why this stranger is there alone. Y/n panicked that she couldn't even say anything in her male form. In her male form, She's just as short as Venti because Venti doesn't want her to be taller than him.

She just stood there sweating then Kaeya swings his sword to point at Y/n's neck.

"Diluc didn't warn me about new visitors. Who are you?" Kaeya pressed his sword closely to Y/n's neck.

Out of the blue Y/n changed back and slaps Kaeya's sword.

"I'm a friend of Diluc's-!"

"U-uhm- I'm also temporarily living here!-" She said and took a step back. Kaeya of course gives her a sly smile.

"And why would I listen to you? I don't even know if you're telling the truth. Tsk." Kaeya said as he took a step forward, good thing Kaeya didn't point his sword at you now.

That may seem weird but its actually a great start of a friendship. Yeah?

It is actually. After that situation, Our dear Archon seems to enjoy Kaeya's company. The way Keaya just gossips and Y/n always reacts with a '0' is so funny yet entertaining. Not because he likes to see you gasp.

Kaeya of course enjoys her company but he also remembers that Diluc knew you first. Thinking of that made him jealous. He wished he could've met you sooner. He thinks it could've been even more entertaining.

Everytime Kaeya comes home he always checks the house around to find you just to say what happens around Mondstadt. He really likes that you listen to his gossips because if he told Diluc, Diluc would've told him to shut up or just shrug it off.

So basically Kaeya would say like some rumor like "Remember Donna? I heard that reason she broke up with her ex is its because of Diluc." and of course Y/n naivety goes "*gasp* No way."

Now everytime Kaeya goes home he always look for Y/n to tell her what she heard around Mondstadt if she isn't home then... He'll just shut up and probably feel miserable now that he doesn't have someone to talk to except Diluc.

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