'LOL, yeah I don't want to do that. Did they take it alright?'

'They didn't care that I was gay, they did care that I was having sex and I was grounded for two weeks.'

'That's nice that they didn't care. I don't think my family would care. My brother already knows. Said he figured it out because I always romance the guys on my video games.'

'He's good with it?'


'You know if they don't like it you'll be going off to college in the fall, right? You'll be away from them if they throw a fit.'

'I've got one more year of high school. I had to repeat a year when I was in grade school.' There was a pause before he texted back.

'Why'd you have to repeat?'

'I'm dyslexic it screwed with me that year but we figured out my trouble and I have been fine since.'

'Oh. Well just so you know I think your parents will be fine. They are the hard part. If they know then it's easier to tell other people.' He started asking me about my senior year and I texted with him until I had to say goodnight.


"Dude why do I have to tell them?" My brother was asking me.

"Because I'm a lily-livered chicken. Please I'll be right there but will you tell them?"

"No. Grow a set. School starts this week you want to start with them knowing and have a good year. So tell them. I'm going back to school next week." Andy tells me. I'd been in his room for an hour trying to get him to do this for me.

"Fine will you at least come with me?" He nods and stands up. I head for my parents who were fixing dinner. I stand and stare. I had no idea what I wanted to say though.

"Hey guys," Andy says getting their attention, "He's got something he needs to say." They stand there and stare at me.

"Uh..." I start to turn but Andy stops me and turns me back around. "I can't." I hiss at him.

"Just spit it out." He tells me. I look at them then close my eyes take a deep breath.

"I'm gay." I say. When there's no sound I open my eyes and look at them.

"Is that it?" Mom asks.

"What do you mean is that it?" I ask on a huff.

"We knew that Angelo. There's nothing about you that's a secret. Not even that guy you've been texting with all summer." I squeak and turn to Andy.

"I didn't say a word." He says and goes to poke his fingers in the dressing mom was making. Dad chuckles.

"Angelo, we've known you since you were born, we know you well." Anise who was sitting at the table and had heard me tipped her head to the side.

"What's gay?" She asks.

"It means he likes guys instead of girls." Andy says. She frowns.

"You still like me and mommy don't you?"

"Yes but he means I'll date guys instead of girls."

"Oh. Okay." She goes back to her coloring. I just stand there as my family goes on.

"Seriously? No one's got anything to say about me being gay?" I ask loudly my hands out at the side.

"Sorry." Mom says and smiles at me, "Your parade was in June you missed it. We'll go next year if you want." I laugh and shake my head.

"No thanks."

"I should thank you though, I bet your mom that you'd come out before high school was over. She said you'd wait till you could run away to college. I get to pick a color and she has to dye her hair." Dad says to me. Laughing I just shake my head again and go sit next to Anise and help her color. That night I lay out my outfit for school the next day then pick up my phone. Dad pops into my doorway.

"By the way, no boys in your room, none in the car, and if we catch you having sex you are grounded. We'd like to meet this guy you are dating though. Invite him for dinner."

"Maybe." Is all I say. I pull up my texts to Zach.

'Well I told them.'

'How did they take it?'

'They went, 'We know,' and went on with making dinner. They even put it together that I've been texting you and stuff. No one cared a bit. It's nice but I was expecting more. I think I like the nothing though.' He sends me a grinning emoji.

'That's great. What did you tell them about me?' He asks.

'Nothing. You are the first guy I've dated and I'm nervous I guess. They said to invite you to dinner. So if you want to come...' I waited.

'I'd like that. Let's wait till schools rolling along then I'll come over. One stressful thing at a time.'

'Yeah that's a good idea.' We chatted then I said goodnight so I'd get some sleep for school. 

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