twenty-one ☽ i'm not fine

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*smut warning for this chapter*

It had taken another three days for Cora to work up the courage to speak to Elijah. Technically, Klaus's relationship advice was terrible in every possible respect and technically, Cora wasn't going to lie, just...omit certain facts. She couldn't keep going through life without him. God, she needed him so damn badly and she knew how insanely selfish that was. Especially with the new intrusive thoughts that had been infecting the edges of her mind.

She needed just one more night with him. One more night when Cora could pretend that coming to New Orleans hadn't changed everything that she'd ever been sure about. At least, that was what she told herself when she stopped in front of Elijah's door. She knocked despite her hesitance.

"Come in."

Cora entered the room to see Elijah was removing his jacket and laying it carefully on the back of a chair in the room. He seemed tired, something rather rare for a vampire.


"We're talking now?" Elijah asked, no anger in his voice. There was just a sort of resigned hurt.

"I've been lying," Cora began quietly, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I'm not fine. This...all of's pretty hard. You Mikaelsons lead complicated lives. I didn't...I didn't want to say anything because you have a tendency to take on the weight of the world."

Elijah stepped closer to her, his hands tucked into his pockets. 

"Cora, I know how much I've asked of you and I keep apologizing because I can tell you've been keeping your feelings from me. Asking you was perhaps the most selfish thing I've done in a long time. I need you to be honest with me, Cora. I'm not terribly versed in healthy relationships, but I do know we're supposed to share our feelings with one another."

It was almost amusing to hear the phrase "healthy relationships" come from Elijah, an Original. But Cora did not dwell on it for too long because she was too focused on the last part of his words.


Cora studied Elijah, the man who she never should've fallen for. Six years ago, he had found her because he'd heard rumours of her powers, of the threat she could pose to even his family. He'd let her go because for some reason, Elijah had believed her when she said that she wanted no part in his world. That she wouldn't threaten him or his family.

Three years after that, they had met again in an entirely coincidental fashion. That had been the real start of this. 

Cora never thought much of destiny, but a part of her thought that meeting Elijah was about as fated as she'd let herself believe. Against all odds, all resistance and better judgment, they were drawn to one another.

Whatever Cora had felt for him it pure lust or morbid curiosity, that was nothing compared to the swell of emotions she felt looking at him now. Though Cora had doubted the three words that she hadn't said yet could capture the depth of what consumed her. Still, it was a good start.

"If we're sharing feelings...I should tell you that I love you."

Her confession caused Elijah to freeze a moment as he looked at her. He stepped closer, cradling her face in his hands and drawing her close.

"My dear Cora, loving you has become the greatest pleasure of my life." Just in case those words hadn't been enough, Elijah leaned closer to whisper, "I love you so much."

There was something about unspoken words finally coming out. It was like a dam burst, of emotions, of feelings that was damn near intoxicating. In an instant, Elijah's lips were on hers. The feeling of him against her, kissing her, holding her, Cora felt like she could breathe again.

Born of Chaos ☽ E. Mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now