Camp fire party crasher

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It was night and it was time for the annual camp fire in the middle of Camp Half Blood. That's what I learned from a semi-fun lesson from my sister.

Bleachers lined up in a circle around a huge fire outlined with rocks. Everybody was complimenting me on how good I looked, even in a wheelchair.

Things were going great until the one person I remembered, and who I didn't want to remember, decided to come up. Everybody turned silent, as Sofie comes down the bleachers toward me. She was the leader of he Ares cabin. She had black straight hair all the way to her shoulders, white skin, and menacing black eyes. Disgusting.

"So. Even after you get thrown by a giant like a rag doll, you manage to survive. Wow, so clever. So glad your back."
She rolled her eyes, and something tells me she's not so happy about me being alive.
"Now if you don't mind. Sick people go in the back."
I scowled.
"You were always jealous of me Sofie. You don't tell me what to do!"
I touched the wheelchair, to try to stand up, and it immediately started to melt away... Dang it.

Sofie laughed and whispered,
"I'm so scared."
I could hear the sarcasm again in her voice. She was always the bully. Then, Mary stood up for me,
"Her powers are unstable, and there more than you've ever had! She's not sick! Just weak."
"Oh yeah? Prove it."
Sofie dared. Everybody's eyes were on me.

That's when I got a great idea.

"Sofie, just to be clear... I think I am sick."
"I'm so surprised."
"BUT! You don't want to make a sick person-especially a demigod-mad."
"Why is that?"
I smirked. I could tell my eyes turned gray, when everybody gasped. I coughed loudly, making wind zip out in front of me. Sofie and her friends went flying in the air. You could hear them screaming and cursing in Greek. When you couldn't hear them anymore, my friends jumped down from the bleachers to help me up. Everybody cheered, as I grimaced at myself. Unstable. Weak.

They carried me to a bench spot.
"You have a death wish."
Mary says angrily. Before I could reply, I heard the "clack, clack, clack." Of Horse hooves.

When you look up you see a half man, half horse standing right in front of you by the blazing fire. His name was Mr. Dis.

Sofie and her friends came stomping back, with leaves and dirt in there hair, and there make-up should now be called messed-up.

To get everybody's attention we did a sing-a-long. And of course I started it off.
Everybody here knew I could sing. After a while a few kids were snickering behind me, making me blush. Did I miss a note? Did I sing the wrong tune?

After a while Caleb and I realized we were holding hands. When the song finished, I did a little cough, and he wind separated ourselves. Mary and Dion smiled and began whispering to themselves.

Then, the meeting started.
"As you all know, there is a danger creeping up in Washington D.C. And we are going to bring 5 people to check it out."
The word, "Washington D.C." Stuck into my mind. I stared at the ground, My brain racing. Caleb raised his hand.
"Might I ask, whom is the danger?"
He asked, as everybody shared nervous glances.
We all gasped. I snapped my head back up. That's why he threatened me.

Caleb flinched.
I whispered. That's who wanted to destroy me.
Caleb asked.
"Not now."
I whispered back, as he nods nervously.
"But why?"
Mary asked.
"There are strong currents of air, that is making time itself move faster. But the lives of the people stay the same. Making chaos in the whole state. I'm afraid that Aeolus is one of the gods that are transferring over to Kronos."
Mr. Dis said sadly. Cleveland, son of Hypnos asked,
"This is my last question before I go to bed. When is Kronos going to raise?"
The campers snickered. But Mr. Dis answered,
"We don't know when he'll raise. Not yet for that matter."
Everybody groans.

They wanted to be ready. You never know. It could happen tomorrow and we wouldn't have had any practice.

Cassia, daughter of Athena asked,
"When will something raise on the summer solstice? Everything happens on the winter one, and the winter solstice is like a Christmas to us!"
Everyone cheers In agreement. Even my friends and I.
"I don't know my dear Cassia. Then again I'm just a horse. Until then we will rescue the president as the oracle foretold and transfer Aeolus back to the good side, and we will have a Christmas and we will get presents! Even if it's not on the winter solstice!"
Everybody cheers louder at the arrangement. After another camp song, we had a dance.

After my friends taught me how to walk, I sang a few songs up on stage. Then when I was tired out, they would pick something that the DJ would play.

Caleb pulled me aside, behind the bleachers. My heart fluttered.
"What picked at your memory?"
He asked.
"Washington D.C. That's what the man in my dream told me where he was at."
I replied.
"You also whispered something."
I nodded.
"Sense Aeolus is at Washington D.C. And that's what the man In my dream told me he was at... I was thinking that Aeolus might be the person who wants to kill me, and that's who the man was in my dream."
I answered, making Caleb smile and stare at me.
I asked nervously.
"Look at you. Lost half of your memory but your still smart and curious."
He says. I smiled back, shrugging. He stares at me again. I cross my arms and stare back.
"What? That's all you've been doing! Staring at me."
I said about to laugh. He shrugs.
"I wish you were here for those 4 years. I wanted to see you grow up. You look so different."
He says. I nod again, feeling sad.
"I know. I haven't had food or water for 4 years. I think I would've changed a whole bunch."
I said, making Caleb's eyes widened.
"You starved. You could've gotten sick... Like when I first found you."
Caleb mumbled. I know I lost half my memory. But I never forgot that time. I was so happy he had never forgotten that time either.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He was surprised for a second, but ended up hugging me back.
"Well, well, well. Look at that. Already starting the levels."
We immediately separated. I looked over to my right, and found that Mary and Dion were leaning against the bleachers watching us. I blushed. Caleb ran his hand through is hair.

"How... Long have you've been standing there?"
Caleb asks nervously.
"Ever sense the hug! You guys are cute together."
Mary says.
"I-No it's not- I mean... I don't..."
I stuttered. Mary and Dion laughed.
"Come on... Let's go... Dance."
I said. Walking over to the party, my cheeks warm.

We danced for a while and then It was time to go. Mary, Dion, Caleb and I made an agreement with Mr. Dis, that we could camp out in he woods and not get killed... Like old times. We set up campfire, and of course everybody was hyper on marshmallows and chocolate. I only had one which was not like me, but they had about five. I told them I was going to tell them a story, so they all went into there sleeping bags, jumping like crazy.

We all had our sleeping bags lined up in a line, so we could all keep warm and stay close. But instead of telling them a story, I started singing them a lullaby. They started drifting to sleep after a while. I was even about to pass out from my own song. Tomorrow they would announce who goes on the Aeolus hunt.

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