Epilogue~The Days After

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Stepping into the store, Hinata looked around. “Ukai? Are you here? It’s Shoyo so please don’t respond verbally!”

There was a pause before Ukai walked around the corner, glancing at him. “Hey, Shoyo. What can I do for you?”

Hinata fidgeted slightly. “Can I stay here for a bit?”


Things didn’t really return to how they were before. Hinata was given extra help to assist him in classes, making sure his new disability wouldn’t affect him.

Ukai never really found out what happened between Hinata and his family. Hinata never told him and he wasn’t going to push it. Hinata was happy.

“Alright, everyone pack up.” Clapping his hands together, Ukai watched his players rush about.

Hinata laughed, hopping up to Tanaka as he helped Tanaka put away some of the equipment. Hinata was about to leave the cupboard when Tanaka stopped him. “Do you want something, Ryu?”

Tanaka took a deep breath, catching Noya’s confident grin in the background. “Shoyo, I need to tell you something…” Hinata tilted his head as Tanaka slowly lifted his shaky hands.

He pointed to himself before carefully overlaying his hands, pressing them to his chest. He slowly pulled his hand back, pointing at Hinata though he shook, waiting for Hinata’s response.

Hinata shook his hand, pushing Tanaka’s hands down as he stepped closer. “I love you too,” he whispered into Tanaka’s ear, grinning as he turned around, completely obvious of Tanaka’s victorious screams.


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