Part 6~Friday

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Slowly padding around the room, Hinata stepped over the many sleeping forms. It was the last day of the training camp. Tomorrow they return home.

Kukki spun as he heard Hinata walk in. He held his right thumb up, pointing the others in. He tapped his right shoulder before tapping his left and returning to his right.

Hinata chuckled, mimicking the action in a hello. It technically meant ‘good morning’ but it was close enough. Leaning against the side, Hinata happily signed to Kukki. Whoever said Hinata was dumb was going to get a massive surprise. He had almost mastered a language in three days, only needing his little diagrams when he came across a word he didn’t know.

Kukki almost looked proud of Hinata, signing back when he wasn’t cooking. Bursting through the door, Tanaka skidded to a halt, grabbing Hinata’s arms. “I knew you would be here! Come on!”

“Wait! What?!” Hinata blinked in confusion as Tanaka began to drag him out of the kitchen.

“Those Aoba Johsai brats bet us that we couldn’t beat them in a match so we’re going to teach them a lesson!” Tanaka kicked open the door to the gym, Aoba Johsai and the rest of Karasuno were already waiting for them.

Hinata wasn’t exactly sure what Tanaka said but he had gathered enough information to know there was a match against Aoba Johsai. He could do that.


As it seems, Hinata was the only one capable of going full out before breakfast. Cheering, Hinata claimed another point, the Aoba Johsai lot looking terrible. Truthfully, Karasuno wasn’t holding up much better.

“This is not fair, Iwa-chan! That middle blocker probably ate before he came!” Oikawa pointed his finger at Hinata who tilted his head.

“Or he has better stamina than you.” Iwaizumi crossed his arms over his chest as Oikawa pouted.

Throwing open the door, Kukki slid through. “There you are! How dare you try to skip breakfast! I should tie you to the tables!” Kukki glared at the teams, making them step back in fear.

Gaping, Hinata blinked in shock. “Woah, who knew Kukki could be scary?”

Iwaizumi sighed. He knew.

Kukki swatted at the team members, pushing them down the corridor with his ladle. Kukki took a deep breath, glancing around the gym and spotting the last member. “Are you not coming?”

Asahi gaped, shaking slightly. “You spoke?”

Distressed, Kukki backed up. “What do you mean? Are you scared of my voice?”

“No! I just have never heard it before… It’s nice…” Asahi scratched the back of his neck as Kukki froze, the blush rising up his cheeks.

“Kukki!” Iwaizumi appeared out of nowhere, catching his brother as he fell back. “What did you do?!”

Asahi yelped, ducking out of the way of Iwaizumi’s glare. “I don’t know!”


Rushing about the courts, the teams collected their last points, the managers tallying up the number of wins each team had gathered. Kukki muttered under his breath as he stood outside, cooking the last meal.

Even though this was the last time, each person couldn’t bring themselves to be sad. They’ll meet again soon.

Chatting loudly, the teams gathered outside, rushing around to steal food from each other. Bokuto ducked under Kuro, stealing food from Nekoma. Tanaka and Noya screamed excitedly, stealing food as fast as they could as Kukki batted them away.

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