Part 3~Tuesday

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Forcing himself up, Hinata walked out of the room. Everyone was still asleep, the sun barely peeking over the horizon. Stepping into the bathroom, Hinata sighed. He still couldn’t hear the running water or the bird songs or the hushed whispers of the early wakers.

Tapping his shoulder, Kukki waved shyly. “Still nothing?”

Hinata shook his head, lowering it.

Pushing Hinata’s head up so he could see him, Kukki smiled. “Heads up. I’m sure it’ll come back.”

Hinata tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. “Heads up, I’m sure it’ll come back,” he repeated, though the tone of his voice made Kukki know it was a question.

Nodding, Kukki watched Hinata cheer with a little chuckle. “You’re getting better.”

“I practised.” Hinata bounced on the balls of his feet as Kukki ruffled his head.

“Good. Soon you won’t need me.”

Hinata frowned, staring at Kukki sharply. “You won’t go, will you? It’s nice to have someone who talks slowly.”

Laughing, Kukki nodded. “Of course, Sho. We’re friends.”

Hinata beamed, hugging Kukki tightly with a cheer. Kukki patted Hinata’s shoulder, letting the little one babble on about some of the stuff he wanted to do.

His eyes widened as he pulled Hinata’s attention back to him. “I made something for you.” Kukki held out the sheet of paper. “I noticed you and Suga using hand signals so thought you might enjoy learning sign language. They’re just some basic phrases but I could practice with you.” Kukki showed off some of the hand movements making Hinata gasp.

“That would be amazing!” Hinata jumped up and down excitedly, only pausing when he spotted the figure behind him. “Morning Tanaka-senpai!”

Kukki gulped, turning to find the harsh glare aimed at him. “And with that forever ingrained into my nightmares, I think I’ll go. See you later Sho.” Waving goodbye to Hinata, Kukki side stepped Tanaka, awkwardly walking into the corridor with a sigh.

“That was rude, Tanaka-senpai.” Hinata huffed, watching Tanaka carefully as he scoffed and crossed his arms.

“That guy is the enemy.”

“So is Yamamoto and yet you two get along,” Hinata smirked, knowing he had caught Tanaka out. Tanaka turned away, making Hinata worry. He wasn’t sure if Tanaka was still talking.

Tanaka sharply spun around, pointing at Hinata. “That’s why I will always protect my kouhai from people like that!”

Hinata blinked, staring at Tanaka in a mix of confusion and wonder.

Tanaka lowered his hand, placing his other hand on his hip. “Anyway, Daichi’s looking for you.” Tanaka tapped Hinata’s shoulder, making him jump.

“Oh, okay. I’ll see you around!” Hinata ducked under Tanaka’s arm, smiling as he walked down the corridor and to the room they had been given. “Morning!”

Daichi pushed himself up, greeting Hinata as Suga stepped beside him.

“Tanaka said you wanted to see me?”

Daichi nodded, motioning for Hinata to sit down. “How are you feeling?”

Chuckling, Hinata crossed his legs on the chair, a too-large grin on his face. “Much better! Sorry about yesterday but I’m back to one hundred percent!”

Shaking his head, Daichi wasn’t sure why he thought any differently. “Good. We have a lot of catching up to do!”

Hinata nodded excitedly, wanting nothing more than to get back on the court. “Yeah!” Hopping off his chair, Hinata bounced up and down.

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