Part 2~Monday Evening

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Walking back into the gym, Hinata looked around the building. The last matches were wrapping up, Karasuno taking their last penalties for losing yet another match against Aoba Johsai.

Hinata stepped back, not wanting to be seen. He went to rub his ear, stopping only an inch away from them. The doctor had told him to stop doing that. Sighing, Hinata let his arms fall to his side, this sucked.

Gritting his teeth, Hinata turned away from the gym, scowling as he forced himself to walk away from the courts. If he couldn’t play, what would he do? All he wanted to do was play.

“Oh, it’s you.” Stopping midstep, Kukki turned to Hinata, a smile on his face. “Are you feeling better?”

Hinata blinked, staring at the boy in front of him. He clearly asked something. Fidgeting, Hinata tried to maintain eye contact though all that was doing was making the boy step back in fear.

“Right, sorry. Probably not.” Kukki scratched the back of his neck, turning away from Hinata’s sharp gaze. Kukki turned his head back, confusedly waiting for the response. “Do you understand me?”

Hinata didn’t respond though it was clear he was scrambling for a response. “I’m fine. I should go.” Hinata pushed past Kukki, trying to get out of Kukki’s analytical gaze. Kukki spun around, grabbing Hinata’s arm. He cautiously pulled out his phone, typing quickly out of fear Hinata will run once more.

‘You can’t hear, can you?’

Hinata glanced at the phone, his stomach freezing as he stepped back. “I’m fine.”

‘You’re not fine. How long?’

Biting his tongue, Hinata crossed his arms, looking away from Kukki and his annoying screen. “A day…”

Pausing, Kukki tapped Hinata’s shoulder, holding up the message. ‘Do you want me to teach you to read lips?’

Sparkling, Hinata bounced in excitement. “Seriously?!” Kukki jolted back, startled by the sudden energy that Hinata had. He slowly nodded as Hinata cheered. “Yes! That would be so amazing!”

Tapping Hinata’s shoulder, Kukki pointed to the door as Hinata nodded with a grin. Sitting in the kitchen, Kukki pulled out his phone, filtering through his videos. Together, they sat on the floor, watching videos over and over, slowly teaching Hinata to read what was happening.

Hinata didn’t react as Tanaka burst through the door, his eyes solely focused on the phone in front of him and the notes he was making.

Kukki did react, jumping away from the doors and staring at Tanaka in shock. “Don’t you ever knock?!”

Tanaka didn’t acknowledge Kukki, his gaze sharpening on Hinata. “Shoyo!” Rushing over, Tanaka picked Hinata up, hugging him tightly- much to Hinata’s surprise. “We were so worried about you! When Suga went to get you and realised you weren’t in the quarters, we started to search everywhere but you weren’t anywhere! What are you doing in the kitchen?!” Hinata gaped, his heart hammering as Tanaka brought him away from his chest, waiting for the answer.

Kukki stepped behind Tanaka, holding up a piece of paper. ‘He was worried about you. Club noticed you were gone. Wants to know why you’re in the kitchen.’

Hinata gaped, shifting his eyes away from the cue cards and back to Tanaka. The older was still holding Hinata, his hands warm on Hinata’s arms. His worried gaze searched Hinata, still awaiting the response. The blue-grey orbs were filled with colour that Hinata couldn’t help but stare at.

Kukki slapped his forehead, noticing Hinata getting distracted. He placed a hand on Hinata’s shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. “After he left the court I found him and brought him here for some food. We’ve been here the whole time and if I had realised you were looking for him, we would have come to see you.”

Tanaka scowled, glaring at Kukki and pushing his hand off Hinata. “I was asking Shoyo.”

“It’s okay, Tanaka-senpai. Kukki was right. He was just helping me calm down and get some food. Sorry for worrying you.” Hinata rubbed his arm, self consciously running his hand over the small wound from the needle.

Tanaka sighed, stepping away from Hinata. “Well, it’s time we head back. Everyone was worried about you. Iwazumi.” Tanak glared at Kukki, taking Hinata’s hand and pulling him away.

“Bye!” Hinata waved behind him. Kukki didn’t bother saying it back, knowing that Hinata would not hear it. Shaking his head, he knelt down, picking up his phone and the transcript Hinata had been writing. He was getting better but… he was still awful.

Sitting down, Kukki searched through the internet, pulling up the new videos. Maybe, he would find this easier.


Hinata kept his gaze locked on Tanaka’s hand that was currently linked with his own. He had no idea if Tanaka was talking or not, his mind fully on the fluttering feeling that had settled in his stomach.

“Shoyo!” Sliding down the corridor, Noya skidded in front of Tanaka and Hinata, forcing them to stop. “You found him!”

Tanaka nodded proudly. “That Aoba Johsai spy was trying to steal our middle blocker,” he claimed as Hinata stared at him. He could work out about five of those words.

‘That something something something was something something steal something middle blocker.’ Narrowing his eyes, he made the assumption Tanaka was talking about Kukki and him… hopefully.

Noya gaped in horror, screaming that he would defend his kouhai from the other teams, getting Tanaka just as excited.

Hinata had no idea what was going on.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Hinata spun around, gulping at the harsh glare Kageyama was giving him. “Don’t ignore me!”

Yelping, Hinata ducked behind Tanaka, cowering as Tanaka held out his hand to protect Hinata.

Hinata winced as he tried to follow the conversation. It moved around too quickly for him to see let alone understand. Suddenly, they weren’t talking, they were looking at him. They had asked him something.

Stepping back, Hinata was thankful for Tanaka’s protective stance. He started screaming at them though Hinata had no idea what he was shouting. The team shared an uneasy look before smiling and nodding.

“Come on then.” Suga waved for the club to follow, leaving Hinata more confused. Tanaka patted Hinata’s shoulder, motioning for him to move.

Hinata gulped, fidgeting as they walked for the halls. He has no idea what was going on or what he was being led to.

Opening the door, Suga stepped into the hall. The other clubs gathered, waving at him. Everything was buzzing, conversations flying around that were impossible to decipher.

Hinata stepped back, trying to ignore the panic in his chest. He couldn’t understand them!

Tapping Hinata’s shoulder, Kukki stole his attention, talking slowly as Hinata continued to learn, not noticing the jealous look on Tanaka’s face.

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