Chapter 4 - Married

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Midnight had passed during our dance and we were the only two still wearing our masks. Miles smiled as he took my mask off my face and following his lead I did the same for him.
He dropped down to one knee and my heart quickened as did my breath. He pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it.
"Aidan Cassandra Reeves, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Tears fell down my cheeks.
"Yes!" I hugged him as he stood up and put the ring on my finger.
"Give her a kiss!" Someone from the crowd yelled causing both of us to blush madly.
Miles looked at me to ask if it was okay and I gave him a subtle nod. This wasn't what we had planned but he leaned in and kissed me dear on the mouth. The kiss was sweet and soft and the crowd erupted in cheers and congratulations. I hid my flushed face in Miles' chest as he giggled.
"Now can I wear the horns?" He whined in a silly way and I took them off my head and placed them on his fluffy head. He smiled like a school boy as a more peppy upbeat song started to play and everyone started dancing like in a club.
As I danced with him I realized that I had actually cried when he proposed, I hadn't meant to but after the emotional display of dance, it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me, and a lot of guys have tired to be romantic to win me over and the most romantic happened to be fake.
It made my heart hurt that I may never find someone like Miles to actually marry and love. Maybe in another world at another time, we could have been together but alas I was not his type. He was going to make some young man very happy someday.

Third person POV-

Their plans for Miles to take her to a club to show her the night life were put on hold as both their mothers decided that the wedding needed to be planned immediately.
Their original plan was just to get legally married to please their parents then get divorced when they found someone whom they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. As well as give them the freedom to go places under the excuse of seeing each other, but neither of them had realized how much work it would take to plan a wedding.
They decided just to get it over with as soon as possible so they could be free, they were able to convince their mothers to move the wedding up to only 2 weeks away and only a small wedding.
It was hard to have a small wedding when the Reeves were such a well known family.

Miles and Aidan walked down the street as darkness slowly came upon them, thankful just to have a few seconds of peace.
"The weddings tomorrow, no backing out now." Miles said, he sounded nervous but he wasn't quite sure why, it wasn't like it was a grand commitment, it was just a piece of paper saying that they were legally husband and wife.
"Well, at least we'll be free, no more parents trying to tell us what to do." Aidan smiled. "We should celebrate after the wedding, celebrate the freedom from our parents, and the fact that we beat the world."
"Oh darling that sounds delightful." He bounced on the heels of his feet happily.
"I can't wait to race again, there's this race coming up in a few months, and my car just got out of the shop."
"I used to love watching Tiger in his race car, I don't know what it is about boys in goggles." Miles said, making Aidan giggled.
"There is something about them isn't there? Maybe it's the danger." She wiggled her brows at him. "You love the high of it, like they could hurt you at any minute, and you know just by looking at them that they are dangerous."
He squinted his eyes at her, playfully shaking his finger.
"You see inside me too well dear."
They laughed as they walked on, they got home late and both went to bed curious what the next day would bring. Aidan's father had gotten home that day, hearing that his daughter was finally getting married. He met Miles and seemed to like him okay but did not approve of Miles' girlish behaviour even though Miles tried his best to act 'right'.

Today was the day, both Miles and Aidan were nervous, what if something went wrong? Miles joked a lot about wanting to wear a white suit but Aidan reminded him that white was reserved for pure people, and Miles was most certainly not pure as she learned from some of his stories. It was a joke of course and Miles could have worn white if he wanted but went for the more traditional.
While the ceremony was about to start Aidan was having an anxiety attack. This was different when her dad was there, he would see this, and this was wrong. She realized she'd gone too deep to get out of this now, if she backed out now then it would shame both their families.
Her father was knocking on the door, asking if she was ready to go and she opened it and nodded. He took her arm and walked her away. As Aidan walked down the aisle she saw so many smiling faces and some crying.
Her stomach twisted in knots but felt better when she saw Miles smiling at her. Her father passed her hand to Miles who took it softly and they stood there staring at each other while the priest read the vows.
They couldn't really believe this was happening but it was and they were thrilled, it was almost over.
They both said I do and the priest said, you may kiss the bride. They knew this was going to happen so this time he needed not to ask for permission. So while still holding hands they leaned together and kissed.
Everyone cheered and clapped and as they walked to the next room to have a party. They laughed as they opened gifts and took pictures.
"A gift for the newlyweds!" Mr. Reeves said before passing an envelope to Miles.
"Thank you father." Aidan said as Miles smiled, opening it. "Oh honeymoon getaway." Aidan looked a little shocked, maybe not expecting her father to be the one to give them that.
"We have a present as well darlings but it will have to wait two weeks until you're back from your honeymoon getaway in Paris, make sure to stay the full two weeks." Mrs. Maitland and Mrs. Reeves had become good friends in planning their children's wedding, and now they had a surprise for when their kids got back. Mrs. Reeves gave them a large envelope of cash to spend however they wanted on their honeymoon with a wink.
The couple was sent off to Paris in a carriage, it was only 2 hours away by carriage and they enjoyed the ride.
"I just had a grand idea, no one knows us in Paris right?" Miles giggled.
"Yeah?" Aidan said, yawning.
"Tomorrow, we should go find some clubs!" Aidan laughed at Miles' enthusiasm and agreed. It would be nice to let loose and party. Maybe flirt with someone who might actually be interested in either of them. Miles loved flirting with girls and guys alike, but it was a guy he went home with. He'd never gone past making out with a girl before.
As they arrived and were directed up into their honeymoon suite they realized it only had one bedroom with a queen sized bed.
"Umm, Miles darling?" Aidan called him into the bedroom. It was already late in the day and they wanted to go out early tomorrow.
"Yes dearest?" He walked in and saw what she was looking at. "What's the matter, wife?" He said in a teasing way right before running and jumping into the bed. "Are you saying you don't want to share a bed with your own husband?"
"Nah, I'm the husband and you're the wife." Aidan laughed and ran and jumped on, bouncing him off.
"Why? Do you think I'm pretty?" He batted his eyelashes like a girl.
"The most gorgeous in the world." She settled on the bed, closing her eyes. "Do you mind us sleeping in the same bed?" She asked sleepily and he smiled.
"No I don't, you have my word, I won't try any funny business." He said. She laughed and rolled her eyes at him.
Not every girl marries their gay best friend to escape their overwhelming parents. But things were now looking up and tomorrow they were going to explore Paris and live the night life.
After changing into sleeping clothes they both fell asleep on opposite sides of the gigantic bed.

Aidan was the first to wake in the morning, the curtains hadn't been closed the night before so the sun was shining right on her face. At first she didn't know why the sun was shining on her face when the window in her bedroom was on the West side.
As her mind focused she remembered where she was and rolled over only to find arms encircling her. She was now face to face with a sleeping Miles. She couldn't help but giggle, he was so cute when he was sleeping.
"Hmmm let me sleep, mummy." He mumbled before snuggling closer to her, resting his head on her chest. Unsure why her heart beat sped up, she laughed and shook him.
"Miles, it's morning, come on." She tried to wiggle out of his arms but he was surprisingly strong. "Miles!" She whined and he let go of her and rolled over.
Aidan got up and changed in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. When she came back out Miles had already gotten up and changed. If she had walked out of the bathroom a minute earlier than she had, she would have caught him mid dress.

Whooooo almost to the end!

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