Chapter 3 - Dancing

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Aidan walked down the stairs to see Miles had come earlier than she expected and he stood in the front hall.
"There's my beautiful lady." Miles said, making Aidan smile. She wasn't dressed up, still her black pants, white button down, and a pretty blue sweater that was open at the front.
"And there's my handsome lord." She bowed to him goofily causing him to laugh.
He wore black dress pants, a cream coloured turtle-neck, and a black suit jacket. He looked like an artist, at least Aidan thought so.
"My mother can't wait to meet you." She said right as her mother walked out. Aidan leaned up and under the cover of placing a kiss on his cheek she whispered quickly. "We met at the park nearby, not in the club."
Miles smiled at her to say he understood and turned to greet Mrs. Reeves.

The lunch went well and her mother didn't expect a thing, after lunch the two together went for a walk to the fore mentioned park as they got their stories straight.
They chatted about life and things they used to do when they lived in London, just basically getting to know each other before getting married.
Aidan found Miles was a goofball, pretty boy, caring but flamboyant young man with an obscene love for martinis and parties, while Miles found Aidan was wild, charming, daredevil sort of girl, who was far too playful.
They both found peace in their newly found friendship both eager to show the other the best of their worlds.
Aidan hung out with a group of boys but she was always guarded herself, she was still a girl and boys could still do bad things to her if they pinned her down. She always made sure never to get backed into something that could be turned into a corner even if she'd known most of those boys for years. Miles however she'd known for a day and she was already more comfortable and open then she'd ever been before.
The evening set in and they walked back to her house so she could dress up for the dinner at Miles' house. She felt okay dressing up this time since she was really trying to sell it that she was going to marry this guy.
She walked the distance to Miles' house not wanting to spend money on a cab to drive her the distance. When she got there she was greeted by Miles at the door who kissed her on the cheek. Mrs. Maitland smiled widely at her and invited her into the dining room. She wore a simple light blue dress with jewelry and light makeup. Her dark red hair was in loose curls cascading over her shoulders and unbeknownst to her Miles did notice what gorgeous hair she had.

They spent nearly the whole week together, having dinners and lunches at each other's houses and plainly having fun. They became such fast friends it was like they had always known each other.
Walking back from a dinner at his mother's house they laughed about their mothers reactions before fathers were brought up and Miles grew quiet.
"My father didn't approve of me." He said sadly. "He died right after we had a big fight, I always blamed myself because if he hadn't stormed out into the evening then that car would never have hit him." Aidan looked up at him before hugging his arm and nodding her face against it.
"It's not your fault Miles." She whispered before looking up at him to see him looking down at her with teary eyes. "And I'm sure your dad is sitting up there right now wishing he had supported you, because he can see now how happy you are and how much it means to you." She said and he looked away. She didn't know how else to comfort him so she just entwined their fingers together and smiled at him.
Miles smiled back and they kept walking in silence. By the time they got there the tears had dried and Aidan hugged him goodnight, he kissed her on the cheek promising to take her to a club after tomorrow so he can show her the night life.
Tomorrow was the big day, he was going to propose to her at the party and then their parents would be off their backs for good.

First person POV-

I put on a fancy dress and did my make up to perfection, Miles said I looked better with my red curls down so I styled them down around my face and shoulders.
I smiled as I looked at myself, I felt pretty now, I was fine with not being pretty when I was doing sports because no one's looking at my face. It felt weird but nice to have my breasts in a pushup bra, normally I had them strapped down so they wouldn't get in the way.

The party was already starting downstairs and I was about to make my entrance. I took a few deep breaths and opened my door, walking slowly to the stairs and walking down in front of so many people, all masked and dressed to perfection. Well most of them were, others around them stood out like a sore thumb with the way they were dressed.
Down at the bottom of the stairs I spotted Miles staring up at me with a smile on his lips. He wore a white and gold suit with bits of black to compliment my dress which was black and gold, gorgeous patterns and fit perfectly and it matched my black golden rimmed masquerade mask. I too have highlights of white here and there. We were going for an Angel and Devil theme, he had wanted to be the devil but I was the one who had a grand black and gold dress, though he said he could pull off the look of any of my dresses.
"You look gorgeous, my Devil." He smiled, taking my hand as I stepped down.
"And you, my Angel, look quite dashing." I said and he smiled. We passed a mirror and I looked at us, we looked like the perfect couple.
"That lipstick really sells the devilish look." Miles whispered to me, causing me to blush at the compliment. "Are you sure I can't have those horns?" He eyed the little black horns on my head as I laughed.
"Miles! I need those." I slapped his hand away as he reached for them causing him to laugh in a childish way.
"Come and dance with me." He took my hand and twirled me.
"There's no music playing."
"Who says we need music to dance?" We jokingly danced around for a bit before our mothers found us.
We mingled and chatted with the guests, generally staying near each other, we hadn't actually planned exactly what time this was supposed to happen.
I was walking back to the main room after talking briefly with an older gentleman who asked about my father, and how he was doing, when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the front entrance.
At first I didn't realize who it was but I realized rather quickly that it was Charles.
"What are you doing Charles?! You were uninvited when our courtship was over." I scolded him and he roughly let go of my hand.
"Our courtship is not over, you can't possibly want to marry that man in there. He's gay for Christ's sake!" He whisper yelled so as not to cause people to find them.
"How dare you speak that way against my betrothed?! He is not and he loves me very much!" I found myself defending him more naturally now even though I knew I was lying.
"Or would you like me to tell everyone what you did to me? No woman will ever marry you if I tell them all that you hit me. It's one thing if you had money, maybe a girl would suffer through your abuse for the money but no, you have nothing." I spat venom at him and watched him burn.
"How dare you!" He really raised his hand to hit me once more, astonishing me that he would really do it again.
His hand didn't hit me though, we both looked to see Miles there with a scowled on his face holding Charles' raised hand.
"Leave, now." Miles said angrily as Charles pulled his hand away.
"We are not done this conversation." Charles said angrily, looking back at me.
"If you come back or bother me again I'll tell. So I suggest you leave like Miles said."
Not finding words to say he grabbed his coat and stormed out of the house.
We just kinda stood there for a while as we waited for our own anger to pass. After a few minutes Miles laughed.
"I don't believe I've ever been the protective one in a relationship. It was exhilarating. Did I look tough?" He asked and I laughed.
"You looked serious, maybe not tough, but like you weren't going to back down."
"Come let us join the party again."
Miles offered his arm and we walked back into the party, we again mingled with the guests.
Soon my favourite song started to play and I took Miles' hand and led him into the middle of the dance floor. I hoped he knew how to do a simple tango and to my surprise he did, and was better at it than me.
His movements were flirtatious and captivating, soon everyone cleared off the dance floor as they watched us twirl together almost as if we were one person.
He moved his left foot back as mine moved forth chasing his retreating foot with mine. He dipped me and looked into my eyes as he gripped my back slightly tighter so I would not fall.
Miles smiled as spun me away like I was something to be rid of but didn't let me go, holding tightly to my hand. He pulled me gracefully back in and we froze toe to toe, and he pulled my hips in closer to his. My breath hitched slightly as he did so and I realized that everything had become quiet, everyone was watching us, captivated.
I could feel Miles' breath on my skin before he looked to the left and I followed in suit, to the right, then to the left.
He spun me and lifted me as I kicked out and landed again and for the first time since we started he let go of my hand and I ran away from him before running back.
One more spin before he held me close, our bodies fitted together like a puzzle, his arms wrapped around me as he stayed just like that for the few seconds as the song ended, helping to calm our fiercely beating hearts.

I loved writing the dance scene, I was imagining it to the song Dance Me To The End Of Love but that wasn't made in the 1920s.

Bright Young Things (Miles Maitland X OFC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon