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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


Our story began on planet Korriban/Moraband, an ancient land of the Sith. "What a perfect place to live?", but many claimed that it was a cursed land ,but what other choice was there for her. Trying to find a peacefull place without arogant people that only made chaos. Regardless what they told her.She didn't listen. Soon she will find out what awaits her.

Chapter 1

Days have past since her arrival on this, kind of scary and mysterious planet. Clueless of what she was soon to discover about her own self. It was 4 months since she stared her new life here on Korriban/Moraband ,it was quite calm environment ,but sometimes she felt really wierd and out of her own skin. Something was really off about this planet ,which she couldn't figure out. What she didn't know that she was about to become a target of interest ,for someone that brought nothing ,but fear and death with himself wherever he went. Doom , chaos ,destruction leaving nothing just hollow shells of remaining rebellion. Everyone knew his name ,which brought only dense atmosphere. Forever consumed by darkness. Raven felt some kind of wierd force pulling her telling her to go to the abandoned temple that was just 4 hours away from her little camp area near the village that was ,practicly falling apart. Who knows what has happend there a long time ago. Raven decided that, why not have a look ,sinc it was getting kind of boring there. Without hasitation ,she packed some stuff and set off torwards that direction which was sort of pulling her. As she went and walked she felt even more wierded out. Taht strange feeling was stronger and stronger by every step she took. After her 4 hour long trip ,she finally arrived by the front gate of the ancient sith temple. She didn't knew that this place was where all the sith lords came to do their stuff. "Foolish little girl little did she known ,she was about to be faced with death himself". Lord Vader was sent to planet Korriban/Moraband ,the exact planet Raven was currently on. He had a secret mission to participate in, there. Not knowing a thing about this planet mad Raven question it even more.


Darth Vader was getting redy ,waiting for his ship to be refuled. He got to the boarding port and got in. Flying out of the departure point ,into the huge dark universe. Once he reached the right coordinations ,he jumped into the hyperspace. Sooner or later he arrived at his desired destination. Landing his ship onto the overgrown ground. Getting out and makeing his way to the temple entreance.


Without knowing the presence of the Dark Lord ,she was alredy in the temple ,exporing. She was in awe by all the ancient markings and all the architecture. Surely the wierd feeling returned once againg ,but this time way more stronger that before ,her head stared to ache bit by bit. Brushing it off ,still ignoreing all of those red flags. She found herself in som kind of an altar room ,the stmosphere got way havier ,as He was approaching the same room, Raven was in. Sudennly she was repped out of her thoughts hearing footsteps getting closer and closer to her. Raven freazed in pure terror ,not knowing if it was someone or and wild animal. The more He was approaching ,the more she came to realise that it wasn't an animal but a person ,takeing really havey steps. She came to the conclusion that it was a male from the sounds of his footseps. Vader knew someting was off that someone might be inside ,he jsut needed a proof for himself. Sensing a life form , escalating fear. Raven hid in pure terror, not knowing if her foolishness would get her killed or she'll survive this encounter. Vader called out "You can't hide forever. It would be better to come out for your own sake" He said and Raven's face turnd so pale ,as if her soul left her body. She was screwed to the ground ,not only by fear but some kind of force field.She wasn't able to move her body not even an inch, but managed to make a sentence. Telling whoever was there that she couldn't move sicne she was frozen in place.

Raven's POV

"I....I...I'm s...s...sorry, but I'm kind of stuck here". "God damn why am I this stupid". She thought to herself. Her heart beated like crazy. The force of temple was still haveing her in place. The footsteps draw closer and closer. She couldn't look up ,but she could see dark figure emarged from the darkness. He was wearing everyhing black. He wore a strange helmet his chest docorated a black box with colorfull buttons. Notecing his lightsaber ,she now knew who he was. Just from the stories and things people said. Struk with fear again, she was really nervous.

Vader's POV

As I landed , something wasn't right ,I sensed a presence. "Let's have it done". I said to myself as I prepared the transmission port so I could get other orders from my master. "Master" I said as the hologram iluminated blue light from the trasmission port. "Ah Lord Vader, good, good. Just about time. How was your flight to Korriban/Moraband...?"

Just about master" I replied. "But I sense a presence ,someone might me here as well" I said. "Oh I see....well if it's a thread ,the you know what you must do Lord Vader. I'm sure you'll make the right choice. Do not fail me!" Palpatine said and ended the transmission. Vader was quite irritated, but brushed it off. Vader swore, he kills anyone who would oppose him.

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