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That very night, Savannah packed her things, and took a trip to her aunt's house a few towns down. Raven didn't know Savannah's whereabouts, and within a week, became extremely worried. When he asked her parents, all they confirmed was that she was safe and sound, nothing else.

"You're up late," Lorelei walked onto the porch, gripping both sides of her shoulders with her hands. She was also worried about Savannah. Raven had only told her that Savannah had gone out of town, but she did so without a goodbye? Lorelei thought that Savannah would at least inform her.

"Yeah, just thinking," he'd been lost in his thoughts a lot lately, and it mostly had to do with the beauty that stood next to him. He couldn't get his mind off of her, and with everyday that passed by, the more intense his feelings became.

"I miss her," Lorelei leaned against the balcony with a sigh. She'd tried to occupy herself as much as possible. But not having Savannah around was starting to really affect her mental state.

"Me too," he looked at Lorelei, noticing the distress in her eyes. Was he a bad person? Should he have taken a step back and allow them to be together? But how was that possible?

"Are you interested in me?" Lorelei wanted to ask that question for the longest while.

"What do you mean?" Raven gritted his teeth nervously.

"I mean, do you have romantic feelings for me?" Her heart quickened in pace. She already knew the answer, but hoped that she was wrong. Please say no, please say no.

"Yes," he answered boldly, causing her heart to sink inside of her chest.

"Then why haven't you told me?" She covered her sadness with a smile. Who would pass up the opportunity to be with Raven Pension? Someone who can give her a proper life? Lorelei thought about Hallie's future everyday. And without Raven, she couldn't make it on her own. She also couldn't be ungrateful. She knew that she couldn't repay Raven for all that he'd done, but maybe marrying him would be he best way.

"I didn't want to rush you, I guess."

"I think I'm ready. It's not like there's anything holding me back," except Savannah, but she's not the right choice for me. Lorelei had thought long and hard about it, and she couldn't tamper with Hallie's future. She had to make the right choices for both of them, and loving a woman wasn't one.

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