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By the time they were finished shopping around for everything, it was almost two in the afternoon. Papa Colt had some things to do, and dropped them off at home.

Lorelei was fixing up her room more to her liking, as requested by Raven, while Hallie was playing with her toys and admiring her new dresses that were laid out on her bed. They had also bought some material to sew a few more garments.

Raven decided to head home early that day, mostly because he was curious to know how Hallie and Lorelei were settling in.

"Raven!" Hallie ran towards him, as he stood by the door, "I missed you," she hugged his leg. He combed her hair with his fingers for a few moments, before stopping when he heard Lorelei's voice.

"I can cook dinner tonight, if you'd like," she offered, wanting to do something to show her appreciation.

"That would be nice. But I'll give you a hand in the kitchen," Hallie resorted back to her toys, and Raven led Lorelei onto the balcony.

"I can manage."

"You should apply some ointment before bed tonight. A doctor's coming over tomorrow."

"You don't have to—"

"It's just to be on the safe side."

Lorelei placed her hand over her stomach and inhaled a breath. Her stomach's been tender for the longest while, mostly because Boris kicked her often and repeatedly there.

"Thank you, sir."

"Call me Raven. Everyone calls me Raven. It's my name, ain't it?"

"Okay, Raven," he slipped out a cigar from his jacket pocket, and a lighter.

"Want one?" He offered, but she shook her head.

"Ladies aren't allowed to," Lorelei thought that it was the mannerly thing to say, but not in that household.

Raven scoffed, "sure, men can but women can't," he closed his eyes.

Lorelei studied Raven for a few moments. He seemed to be more modernized than everyone else in town.

As he lit the cigar, Lorelei coughed from the smoke, "that's intoxicating," she placed her hand over her mouth and nose.

"Sorry," Raven waved it over the balcony to rid of the ashes, "I'm going to take a shower. You can start in the kitchen in the meantime," he took his cigar inside, deciding to enjoy it in his room. He didn't want it to affect her, neither did he want to defuse it.

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