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On their drive back home, the silence even made Hallie uncomfortable. She fell asleep halfway through, while the adults were left to simmer their confusing feelings.

Raven had never considered Savannah to be anything but a man's woman. Could it be possible that she liked women—that she liked Lorelei?

He felt threatened in some way, causing him to grip the steering wheel very firmly. What if Lorelei likes her too?

Raven knew that it was possible for two women to love each other, but the thought of his best friend, and crush together was very unsettling. My crush? His feelings for the young blonde was far deeper than that. He hated it, but loved how she made him feel.

Savannah chewed on her bottom lip and avoided eye contact with any of the two. She could see that Lorelei didn't reciprocate her feelings, and knew that she'd just hurt Raven even if Lorelei did.

But there was just something about Lorelei—something so innocent and sweet, and easy to fall for. To Savannah, Lorelei wasn't a damsel in distress. She was a woman with a hard life, fighting everyday to maintain herself.

When Savannah suggested for Lorelei to meet Raven, she knew that the young girl needed some kindness in her path. And Raven was always willing to help anyone in need. But maybe she also had ulterior motives.

In the little town, everyone knew everyone. And Savannah had observed Lorelei over the years, not that Lorelei noticed. She would look through her bedroom window every Sunday, waiting for Lorelei to pass on her way to the market. Sometimes she'd miss her, depending on the time, but there was always something about Lorelei that was unlike any other girl in town.

It wasn't a secret that Lorelei's home life was a tough one. If no one else noticed, Savannah did. She'd seen how Lorelei struggled everyday from just the look in her eyes. Having her around filled a void in Savannah's chest. At first, it might have been subconscious thinking, but Savannah knew that everything she'd done, was with the motive to get Lorelei exactly where she was—around her, safe and sound.

Maybe she could have helped Lorelei all on her own. It wouldn't have been a difficult task, but when it came to her nosy parents, she opted to leave her personal life out of it. And Lorelei was very personal and meant a lot to her.

Savannah knew that Lorelei was in good hands. Raven and Papa Colt were probably the best men she knew. She couldn't say the same for her father or brothers.

Her initial plan was to set Raven and Lorelei up, but that was until she realized the feelings she had for Lorelei.

This is so complicated now. She knew that Raven had already developed feelings, and maybe Lorelei felt the same for him. It's not that complicated, I'm just not part of it.

All in all, she just wanted Lorelei to be happy—she wanted both of them to be happy. And if them being together solved that, she'd put her own feelings aside.

Lorelei focused her eyes on the sleeping girl on her lap. She hadn't felt so stressed since she moved away from her father. Everything in her mind and heart felt shaken—nothing seemed right.

Out of all the things in the world, she felt drawn to Savannah, someone she shouldn't have feelings for. Women weren't supposed to be attracted to women, right? She'd only heard of it being a sin, and an abomination, but never thought that anything was wrong with it. Is it so wrong to love a human being, just because they're the same gender?

Lorelei wished that her heart would choose the simple path. She knew Raven liked her, but why couldn't she like him? Everything would be so simple if she did.

When they pulled up in front of the house, Papa Colt was leaned against his own car, puffing on an expensive cigar. He'd just come back from his date will Sally Mae. After years of persistence, he finally gave in. And he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy dining with someone other than his family.

"I'll take her up," Raven picked up Hallie, and carried her to her bedroom. Savannah already told her parents that she'd be staying over at Raven's place. Her family loved Raven, and wished that they'd stop playing games and get married someday. But someday was never going to happen, especially because they didn't like each other in that way.

"Staying over?" Savannah nodded, as they made their way up the stairs. Lorelei headed straight for her room, and Savannah followed her.

"It's too late to head home now," Savannah stretched her arms and grabbed the box from under Lorelei's bed. She fished out something to change into, while Lorelei grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom without another word.

Savannah sighed, and sat on the bed. She could hear Raven and Papa Colt talking on the balcony, and smoking cigars. She didn't want to face Lorelei again, not with all the embarrassment that she suddenly felt.

So she headed into Raven's room, and grabbed a book to read, deciding to fall asleep to a bit of romance.

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