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The drive to the vineyard was excruciatingly long. Savannah sat in the front with Raven, and the two sisters resided in the back.

Hallie was intended to stay back with Papa Colt, but Lorelei didn't think it was wise. She trusted him, but wouldn't risk it either. To her, no man was a saint. She learnt that from experience.

"I'm definitely moving up here someday," Savannah fixed her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, as her hair whipped back with the wind.

"With Victor?" Raven teased, but didn't gain an amused look. Instead, Savannah shoved his arm and scowled.

"We broke up," she mumbled, her mood taking a bad turn. She leaned back in her seat and watched the sky.

"Oh," Raven focused on the road in front of him. He wondered how his father was holding up with managing the pub while he was away.

Lorelei chewed on the inside of her cheek. Why is that relieving? She focused her eyes on the back of Savannah's head, where her red hair shined in the bright sunlight.

"That's all you have to say?" Savannah could feel Lorelei's eyes on her, and a smile graced her face.

"What is there to say? I never liked him, you know that."

"Doesn't matter now. Daddy's planning to introduce me to some ranch boy, maybe I'll just get married and be a housewife for the rest of my life."

Savannah's voice was bitter, "and have babies," Hallie giggled.

Lorelei stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved in the conversation, "what about you, Lorelei? Think you'll ever get married?"

Raven gritted his teeth nervously. Did I really just ask her that?  "Yeah, are there any boys you like?" Savannah was more than curious, and Raven could sense a lingering tone in her voice.

Lorelei felt tense. She didn't want to answer, mostly because she had nothing to say. The only boy that she'd ever liked was Bernie Gills, and that's probably only because he shared his toys with her when they were younger. They were neighbours, and his sister and Lorelei were the same age, but only two years younger than him. She didn't know if he liked her that way, or if she really did fancy him. That family moved out of town before puberty could hit any of them.

"I don't know," she mumbled defeatedly, as she mindlessly stared through the backseat window.

"How can't you?" Savannah became a bit impatient. Turning her head to the backseat of the car, she waited for Lorelei to acknowledge her stare, "Lory?" She insisted for attention, as Lorelei sighed.

"Yes?" Her brown eyes finally fluttered, and looked into those endearing ones of the beautiful redhead.

"You must like someone in town, don't you?" Lorelei swallowed. What am I supposed to say?

"I, uh," she fumbled for words, "really don't know. Haven't thought much about boys honestly," or girls...

"I see," Savannah's eyes dropped to the blondes' unpainted lips, before turning back to face the road. She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining those lips closer to hers.

Raven cleared his throat, as he made a turn on the path. He could already see the vineyard's cottage from a distance, and hoped that the dwellers there were home. A family overlooked the vineyard, and worked on it, as though it was their own land.

"Lory!" Hallie tugged on her sister's dress, "are those grapes?" Her eyes were wide and excited. She stuck her head through the window, and inhaled the freshness of the atmosphere.

"Yes, they are," Raven responded with a big smile. He nestled the car in a safe place and they all got out, and began to walk towards the cottage.

Savannah allowed everyone to walk ahead of her, especially because she could get the chance to admire Lorelei's blonde hair in the intense rays of sunlight. God, she's beautiful.

She placed her hand over her chest and felt her heart rate increase. Maybe this is why I can't love a man properly.

It made her nervous. She took a few moments to regain her composure, and attempted to ignore how graceful the blonde carried herself.

"Buenas tardes a todos," Pablo greeted, as soon as he noticed Raven.

"Buen dia, Pablo. How's everything here holding up?" Raven didn't know much Spanish, but luckily, Pablo was bilingual.

"Hello," Hallie waved shyly, and stayed close to Lorelei.

"Hoy hace mucho calor, ¿verdad?" Lorelei had read a few spanish dictionaries from the library, so she partially knew how to communicate in spanish.

"Sí, así es," Pablo smiled widely.

"You can speak Spanish?" Savannah beat Raven by asking the question first.

"Si, uh, just a little bit."

"She likes to read a lot," Hallie notified. Lorelei bit her bottom lip, while Pablo called for his wife and two daughters.

"Ella es una inteligente," Pablo grinned, "¿Hambriento? Acabamos de terminar de preparar el almuerzo."

Raven, Savannah and Hallie furrowed their brows confused. Lorelei giggled and shrugged, as she looked at the three of them.

"He asked if you're hungry."

"Si, muy inteligente."

Lorelei almost blushed. She caught Savannah's stare and her blush intensified.

"I am starving," Raven pressed his lips together, noticing Savannah's eyes fixated on Lorelei. Why are her eyes twinkling? He took a deep breath and realized that what he was thinking was silly.

"Bienvenidos todos," Marcia walked over with her two girls. One was seven and the other was three years old.

"This is my wife and the love of my life," Pablo introduced, "and these are my two beautiful daughters."

"Hola," the bigger one greeted. She looked at Hallie and their eyes locked for a moment, "mi nombre es lola."

"This is Hallie," Raven placed his hand on Hallie's shoulder.

"Es un placer conocerte, Hallie," Hallie pressed her lips together, wondering what the little girl in front of her just said.

She looked at Lorelei with questioning eyes, but Lorelei wasn't sure either, "she said that it's nice to meet you."

"Oh," Hallie stepped closer, "it's nice to meet you too."

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