Chapter 8

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As Ryder lay in bed that night he can hear the thoughts of the evil being lurking outside, "he is hiding a power from me, I know it. He has weather and nature but what else he should have 2 more" the evil being thought. Ryder wished he could see this evil thing as it would be easier to know what they were dealing with. Ryder closed his eyes as he didn't hear anymore thoughts as he drifted off to sleep fairly quickly. The trials wore him out and he knew he needed the sleep for the next one.

The next morning...

Ryder poured the pups breakfast and ate a bagel himself as he mentally prepared himself for the next trial. The pups all decided to go play outside as Ryder noticed a storm cloud coming in he diverted it for now so his pups could have some fun. "Sorry storm cloud we are having nice weather today" Ryder said as he snapped his fingers and blue skies appeared with a warm sun. Red Wolf came into the room and said "Are you ready?" Red Wolf asked, "Yes today I want yellow" Ryder said. Red Wolf prepared the yellow serum and gave it to Ryder as he closed his eyes ready for the next trial. Red Wolf thought it was super weird that Ryder literally just faded and disappeared all together but he knew the trial had begun. Ryder opened his eyes and it looked as if he was in a video game, he looked around and didn't recognize anything. "Welcome to the yellow trial, this one is going to be played differently. You have been brought to a virtual reality in this trial you will have to stealthily shoot all the bad guys and save the citizens. Without being seen, as it shouldn't be to hard as you can now blend into your surroundings." the voice said. As she said this Ryder noticed that he was able to adapt like a chameleon would and blend into anything he was close to. Ryder watched as a bad guy in front of him stole a woman's purse Ryder stealthily ran towards him and was able to shoot the target and get the purse back. The next bad guy was robbing a bank and Ryder was able to blend into the getaway car and stopped him before he could drive away. Ryder also caught the guy who was about to commit a murder by sneaking up on him and shooting him first. He did this several more times until it was almost second nature to him to change his appearance. "Congratulations you have completed trial yellow, now please stand by as you earn your power" the voice said as Ryder felt as if he was being tickled as he earned the ability to adapt to his surroundings. 

Red Wolf watched as Ryder suddenly appeared in front of him scaring him a bit "Holy jeez" Red Wolf said. "Oh sorry, um how long did that one take?" Ryder asked. " About and hour, did you get your power?" Red Wolf said, "Yes" Ryder said, "Are you going to tell me?" Red Wolf said, "Nope but I can show you" Ryder said as he walked over to the green bean bag chair and sat down. Ryder also turned green and basically disappeared from view, as he stood up he turned back into normal Ryder. "Interesting, that might be useful as you sneak up on this evil thing" Red Wolf said. "Yup I am going to go see my pups" Ryder said as he left the lookout. The pups were playing tag as they noticed Ryder and they didn't know if he was on a trial or not. "Hey pups what are you doing?" Ryder asked, "We are playing tag, did you finish your trial already?" Chase asked. "Yup, want to see what I can do?" Ryder said as he lay on the grass in front of his pups and vanished. "Where did you go Ryder?" Marshall asked as he stepped on his leg and tripped causing Ryder's legs to change into Marshall's spots. "Cool!" Skye and Rocky said. Ryder stood up and said "I can see how this will be useful" as he played with his pups. 

All of a sudden there was a black mist literally a darkness flying across Adventure Bay, it was extremely large and it flew closer to the lookout. "What is that?" Rubble asked as he looked up. Everyone looked up and Ryder said "I have no idea, maybe it is a weird storm?" as he heard the thoughts. "Wait can they see me? Oh know this means the war is coming closer than I think. I need more soldiers" The evil being said as he flew off higher trying to not be so noticeable. Ryder gasped a little causing the pups to look at him, "What is wrong Ryder sir?" Chase asked. "I think that pups was the evil being I am supposed to fight. As I gained my power he gained the opposite so I can hide and he comes into focus." Ryder said. "If you need to fight a black mist how are you supposed to defeat it?" Zuma asked. Red Wolf came out and answered the question, "That my friends is not his true form it is only an outline, his true form will be revealed on Ryder's 11th birthday. It I am afraid will be much much worse than just a mist. This is only the beginning of what is supposed to be the end" Skye and Rubble shuttered as Skye said "If this thing is as bad is it looks Ryder I am scared for you" "We all are Ryder sir" Chase said. "I know pups but I not only have all of you, I literally have nature on my side" Ryder said as he made the tree in front of him grow an amazing beautiful juicy red apple. "Cool" Rubble said as Ryder took a bite out of the apple and said "You pups play some more, just in case there is a mission, Chase can I borrow you for a sec?" Ryder said.

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