Chapter 10: Image and Agendas

Beginne am Anfang

The Biaylan infantry were clustered together, Robin and I threw smoke grenades at their feet as Kid Flash disarmed all the soldiers.

We didn't need to fight many soldiers. The second they lost their weapons they took off running back across the border.

By now Superboy and Miss Martian had saved the civilians from the stampede of animals. We gathered in front of the civilians to ensure they are alright. The mom was star struck that she was saved but the kid was super excited.

Boy: "Mom! Mom! We were just saved by Robin and Kid Flash!"

Kid Flash: "Well Superboy, Miss Martian and Vanguard helped too."

Miss Martian lowered the animal she saved back to the ground as the boy ran to hug it.

Boy: "Oryx!"

Robin: "We diverted the Bialyans around the sanctuary, you should be safe now."

Kid Flash: "Uhh ya Miss M, coast is clear, you can de-camo now."

M'gann de-camouflaged and I realized she looks a lot like the lady we just saved. Like almost identical, M'gann was just younger looking and green but other than that they appeared to be the exact same.

Woman: "You may have made things worse. Biaylan border crossings are a way of life here. Usually they wreck a few fences and move on. Engaging them may have made us a target."

Boy: "Mom un-cool."

Woman: "I'm sorry I should thank you. This is my son Garfield."

This woman is right. They will be back and they will come back in bigger numbers. If we are going to stay here we need to prepare some sort of defence. After making these people a target we can't abandon them, so it looks like our mission just went off the rails for good.

Woman: "I'm-"

Miss Martian: "Marie Logan! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you in person. Uh I've-I've uh admire your stance on animal rights for years."

Conner (telepathic link): "You've only been on Earth for six months."

Marie: "That Oryx is sick and I think you injured this wildebeest."

Superboy: "Uh sorry."

Marie: "I suppose it was inevitable but both need to go to our clinic."

Miss Martian: "The boys can do that! You and I can uh... fix your fence!"

Robin: "That's not exactly our-"

Miss Martian and Garfield: "Please!"

(Y/n): "We will need to prepare some form of defence here, the Bialyan's will be back."

Robin: "Fine."

Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy and Garfield left to take the animals to the clinic next to the house. Miss Martian left to repair fences with Marie after landing the bio-ship for me so I could unload some heavier equipment. After the Injustice League I started storing heavy weapons on the bio-ship against the wishes of Batman and a few other leaguers. Despite their grievances, the gear proved to be useful. I assembled several small SAM launchers and scattered them around the perimeter of the house. I only had five so I focused them on the direction of the Bialyan border as any air assault would come from that direction. I finished placing the launchers and linked them with ISAC before heading back to the house.

Garfield: "Hello Megan the pilot episode."

Wait, what did he just say? I never got a chance to ask. ISAC spoke next, interpreting our conversation.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt