Letter 6

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Remember the girl I went out on a date with, well I asked her to be my girlfriend! And guess what, she said yes!! I was so happy, I kept jumping around in my house. So this is how it went...

I brought her to a lake in the muggle world, it was in Alberta, Banff I believe it's called. The water of the lake was gorgeous, it was  a beautiful blue color. I told her to close her eyes and then took out some flowers, her favorite of course, then I told her to open her eyes, and when she did I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said YES. She jumped in my arms and we shared a kiss. It felt magical, and as cheesy as it might sound I felt absolute sparks. My stomach felt like it was full of butterflies, and it reminded me of the feeling I use to get when I was with you.

I finally moved on.. Are you proud of me? I hope you are.... You were one of the best things that happened in my life, might I say the best thing that ever happened to me and sadly you left, you were the light to my life, and I feel like I finally have someone to fill the void you left. I will be grateful, for the memories we shared together.  Even till this day when I see a picture of you, I feel a smile creeping on my face. I don't feel angry anymore, I have made peace with myself and accepted your death. When I think of you, no tears fall from my eyes anymore, but instead a small smile creeps up. Thank you for making my teenage years, wonderful and honestly, I can't imagine any other way I would have lived them. But faith, decide to take you away from me, and now I have to live with it.  I hope to reunite with you one day my very dear friend.

- Mattheo Riddle

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