Letter 5

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I went out with her for our first date. We went to a small Italian restaurant in the muggle world. I got to know her family better. She has 2 younger siblings and they are the most adorable thing in the world. I kind of see a future with her. since, we have the same plan for the future.  She told me she wanted 2 kids, preferably twins, one boy and one girl and she hoped to have a golden retriever as a pet. We had a lot of fun. She reminds me a lot of you, she has a similar energy, a similar kindness and an amazing personality, and it kind of bothers me, because I feel like I'm replacing you. I feel like she is what I need to move on from you and though I am scared of change, I  am willing to take the risk.   I know that this is what you would have wanted, I mean I hope. My friends are extremely proud of me and encourage me to go out with her. Draco also told me a surprising thing, he told me he had a crush on you when we first met. Remember it was him that introduced us? Well he said that he hoped that I would be his wingman, but sadly I ended up stealing you away. Imagine, if you guys had dated, I can't imagine it. It makes me wonder how different would my life be if you were with him.  Well anyways, life has been getting better for me... 


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