I serve only you, my lord Part 2

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I look out over the mass gathered on Garrett's front lawn, and I say the only thing that comes to mind, "What in the shit is going on here?"

Garrett and Alexis bust out laughing.

"I meant a little more profound than that, but I guess that sums it up pretty well," Garrett comments between laughs.

"My lord?" a voice from the middle of the hoard speaks up.

"What?" I snap.

"That's not very kingly," Alexis teases me. I glare at him, but it has no effect.

A figure stands up from the middle of the group gathered.

"My lord, we have all traveled from all over to be of service to the true King of Changelings. Our kind has been kept in the shadows for far too long. Now you, my liege, will lead us to where we belong." I recognize the figure finally. It's Patrick, from school.

"Patrick? What the hell? Come here." He jumps as though I slapped him. He hurries to clamber over the other changelings towards me. We hear a lot of protesting as he uses the others to make his way forward. I look at Garrett and lift one eyebrow. He shrugs.

"Patrick, what's going on?" I ask him once he's in front of me. Before speaking, he keels down in the same position as the others.

"For fuck's sake. Get up dammit." I growl angrily. He stands, but his head is still bowed.

Alexis leans over towards me to whisper in my ear. "You know, most people would love to have a ton of loyal followers who kneel before them."

"Yeah? Well, I'm not one of them." I shoot back. Then to Patrick I say, "Now, you've never been one to bow to anyone, let alone me. So, why don't you explain what this is all about."

"Yes, my lord."

"And don't call me that."

"Yes, sir." I groan.

"Might as well get used to it," Garrett tells me. I groan again.


"Yes, well, I'm not fully certain. I've been bullying you for years, but then one day I woke up and it was like I had to respect you. I had to bow to you. It was like I didn't have a choice. Even now, standing here like this, I feel that I should be keeling. To be honest, I hate it."

"Yeah, I can understand that."

"Sorry, your highness, but it's true. It's not just a voice in my head, though that's there too. It's like breathing, I don't have a choice, I just do it."

I turn to Garrett and Alexis. "Is that how it is for all species? Blind obedience?"

"No. It seems to be only with changelings." Garrett answers.

"It's like I said before, it has to do with the unpredictability of changelings. They needed to be kept in line somehow. It must have been written into their DNA millennia ago," Alexis adds.

"Wonderful." I reply sarcastically.

"Sir? What would you like us to do?" Patrick asks me.

"Garrett, is there some place that they can all stay? Some place, preferably, that they won't be noticed for a while. I can't imagine what your father would say to a bunch of changelings in town if he freaked about me."

"Well, the building your place is in belongs to me. We could set them up there. It'd be crowded, but they would largely go unnoticed there. Then, if you want, you could stay with me. That would give them more room." It's the first time he looks like he's expecting an answer he doesn't want to hear. Almost like he's embarrassed.

"I'd really like that." I told him, grabbing his hands. He brings his face up to look me in the eyes. He smiles, widely. I clear my throat that all of a sudden clogged up. "But what are we going to do when they all turn in a few weeks? And do you really think your dad won't notice a few dozen extra people around town?"

"I might have a thought on the transformations," Alexis chimes in, "but I don't know for certain. I'll have to check out a few things."

"As far as my father is concerned, I wouldn't worry about it. Though we may want to talk to the sheriff."

"Right, he asked me yesterday to stop by his office at some point soon. I guess this is as good as any other time." 

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