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~Vanessa's pov~

"Yo Nessa, wanna join us at the Wyrm tonight?"I turned around to see the gang, with their jackets and keys in their hands."Uh I'll ask Mads if she wanna come, and I'll let you know."I said and I saw Drew nodding.

They walked off into the direction of the school exit and I went back to friddling in my locker."Hey baby."I felt a kiss to my left cheek and I looked to my left seeing the most beautiful redheaded girl."Hey you."I gave her a small kiss to the lips and she blush.

"Just lemme finish putting away my stuff and we can go."I told her and ahe nodded."Oh and before I forget, Drew and the boys asked if we wanna go to the wyrm with them tonight."I received no answer so I looked at Madelaine and saw her staring at me.

"Is everything okay love?"I asked and wrapped my hands around her waist."Yeah, I just- nevermind. I'll text Drew and tell him we'll see him tonight."She said but I grabbed her phone and made her look at me.

"Baby what's wrong?"I ask once again, but she tries looking down."Mads."She took a deep breath before sighing."I wanted to talk to you about something."She said making my head turn in comfusion."About? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah well I think. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow though."She said but I shook my head, got out my phone and texted Drew.

Me: sup Drew, sorry man I won't make it tonight. I have so important stuff going on, enjoy your evening and please take care of Connor

I press sent and put my phone away."What'd you want to talk about?"I asked and she looked at her now friddling fingers."Can we wait until we get to my place or... yours? Please?"She begged, I nodded my head, shut my locker door and grabbed her hand making my way towards the exit.

~Madelaine's pov~

The ride to Nessa's place was nervewrecking. And full disclosure I wanted to stab myself for being so awkward about the situasion.

It felt like I was about to vomit at any time now. All those nerves came together in the pit of my stomach making it feel like the whole world just found out the most embarressing thing about me or something that happened to me.

Okay maybe this situasion is worse.

Nessa stopped infront of her house, got out and made her way over to my side to open the door for me. I got out, peaking her lips as a thank you and she closed it again.

She grabbed my hand and walked with me to the front door, unlocked it and we walked in. She placed her keys on the table before leading me to the couch and sitting me down.

"So, tell me what's wrong baby?"Vanessa asked making me fiddle with my fingers. She grabbed my hips, picked me up and placed me on her lap."What is it love?"

I took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact."Doesn't it bother you that I'm virgin?"I mumbled softly and as soon as those words escaped my mouth I felt a pair of hands on me."What? Baby no, it doesn't bother me. You're waiting for the right time and I admire that so much. Where is this coming from?"

"I-I don't know. Just everyone talking about how good it feels, I just wondered."I lied and of course she saw."Baby, please tell me where this is really coming from. I won't be mad or make fun of you, you know that."She assured me and I nodded, taking a deep breath once again.

"Lately I've been feeling...yk..."

"Horny?"She asked making my eyes widen at her choice of words."Yes."I whispered.

"And that's making you wonder if it bothers me?"I shook my head making her head to fall to the side."Then what baby?"

"I-I uhm, I think I'm uh ready..."I gulped waiting for her to laugh but it didn't come, so I looked up seeing her eyes wide."As in, you want me to...?"

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