Chapter 21

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Lola's PoV
Once I finished crying and Matthew and I leave my parents bedroom we walk into the spare room that has my dads desk in and my mums girly night things and the family memories boxes. I opened the door and a small smile spreads on my lips as a remember the three of us being in this room looking at all the family box together.

I walk in and grab the massive box and pull it down, Matthew and I sit on the floor and look at all the pictures and memories me and my parents have treasured all these years. We sit looking at them for hours and hours and soon it's time to set back off home. I put a few things into the back seats of Matthews black Audi convertible. He put the top back up so nothing in the back would blow out.

We take the 2 hour journey home and I end up asleep in the passenger side with my head against the window.

I woke to an empty car and in an unfamiliar place. I began to panic until I saw Matthew walking towards the car again. He strides towards the car and I can't help the butterflies that flutter in my stomach as I look at him. He affects me in ways no one has effected me before. Not even Alec affected me that way...
Alec was my boyfriend when I used to live with my parents...I did love him and let's just say he broke my heart and I'll leave it at that.

Matthew climbs back in the car
"I was just coming to wake you, I've ordered us some food I ordered you chicken if that's okay?" He says
"That's fine you didn't have to, thankyou"
I really can't get over how sweet he's being to me. From being the stuck up jerk to this sweet caring person. We get out of the car and walk towards the diner.

Once we get in I go to the ladies and over look my face and cover up my red puffy eyes and put on some mascara. I walk out to a woman stood talking to Matthew. His back was too me as he sat at the table and she was stood extremely close to him, she had her hand on his shoulder and her other hand on the table as she leaned in and whispered to him.
Who the hell is that? She was tall and slim with blonde hair that had clearly been dyed blonde as her dark roots began to show. She had her long locks in natural waves down her shoulders and she was actually stunning. She made me look like a gremlin.
Whoa why am I jealous?
Steadily, I walk back to the table and take my seat.
"Tamara, this is Lola" Matthew introduces me.
"Nice to me you" I sat politely and get a fake smile and a "hmm" in return.
Well she's rude.
She walks off and see that she has sat a few tables away with an older woman that looks like her so I'm presuming it's her mother.
"So how'd you know her?" I wasn't going to say anything but my mouth got the better of me and went ahead and asked anyway...
"Oh, My mums very close with her mum so I've known her for years."
I nod as if to say 'oh'
Our food arrives and we dig in.
"How you holding up anyway?" he askes
"I'm doing okay I guess. I feel so much better now I've been to the house. I must admit crying helped a lot too"
Once we finished we made our way back to the car when he finished paying. I did offer to pay for my own but he insisted he paid for it.
We got back in the car an Began to drive back home. I glance over at Matthew a few times and each time I do he catches me and his gorgeous blue eyes catch mine and my heart speeds up. He can't be effecting me in ways like this. He's not the relationship type.

Layla and I were talking a few weeks ago about how Matthew never has relationships and is rarely with the same girl twice. Layla told me that he's never had a relationship since she's known him and She also said he has been acting very different lately. She ended up finding out about the kisses me and Matthew have shared.

We were sat the bar just before opening time and Matthew, Layla and I. Matthew was getting up to leave. He caught my gaze and we stood looking at each other without realising.
"Bye" he said quietly with a smirk. Once he had left Layla started screaming.
"OMg you have totally slept with him!!"
"What?! No I haven't!"
"Well you've totally made out with him then! Come on Lola! It's obvious something has happened! Now spill!"
"Okay just don't tell anyone okay?" She nodded in response
"We've kissed but that's it"
"I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you to! He's been acting different!"

Different doesn't mean good though...

A/n- I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated in ages! Ive been really busy and I was struggling a little with this chapter. I know exactly where I want this book to go it's just trying to get it there that I'm struggling with so it may take me a while to update until I get to the good stage. Also I'm warning you in advance I may skip it on a few months so then I can try and get rid of this writers block and get to the bit I'm really wanting to get to...just thought I'd warn you.

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