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The S in Single stands for Sexy!

Lacking the burden of an official relationship leaves you with a lot of time on your hands. While I have personally used a lot of this time to wallow in self-pity and cry I have come to realize that this newfound abundance of nothing to do is a gift.

Every second of the day that you used to spend checking your phone for a text that never came can now be invested in you!

The best part about this is that it can be spent doing anything that makes you feel good. When you look good on the outside you (usually) feel better on the inside.

So whether you want to get an extra few hours of sleep or wake up early and go for a jog, investing more time in yourself will bring out levels of heightened confidence that you didn't think were even imaginable.

I realized that one of the reasons a relationship was so important to me was because I always yearn to feel cared for.

Who is stopping us from caring for ourselves?

Take a few moments to yourself. Draw yourself a soothing bath instead of that quick 1-2 shower. Wash your face in the morning even if you're going absolutely nowhere.

Relish in the moments where no one exist except you. Selfishness is the key to Sexy! Besides, it's not selfish if you deserve it.

Sexy is not just about how you look on the outside. It's also about how you feel on the inside. More specifically, how you make yourself feel on the inside!

Taking care of yourself in a more personal light is also a sure fire way to boost sexual empowerment. You're going to want to get really personal, and really familiar with the bag of diamonds between your thighs. Take your time getting to know yourself and what you like. Then after you master that go break up with your tinder boyfriend.

What do you need him for? You handled it yourself! And much better might I add!

The idea of sexy comes through after realizing relationships are not two puzzle pieces coming together to finally become complete. They're more like vendijagrams and a good one can't be made until both parties have come full circle to complete themselves.

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