𝟖, ᴘᴏʀᴛɢᴀs ᴅ. ᴀᴄᴇ

Start bij het begin

He frowned. "If she wakes up, tell me. " Dadan looked at him and scowled.

Without more words to say, Ace began to follow the path you made to the village. He could see the dedication you had to bring safety and protection to them, so much that you even dug a path for them.

He walked calmly through the way, and thought all the times you made sure he was fine, and happy. He wasn't happy, not when you were bedridden without your beautiful blue eyes open.

When he arrived at the main road of the village, he was strangely greeted by the townspeople. He reciprocated the action nodding his head, his mind was too busy to even say a single word.

Nearing the docks, he could see the huge vessel of the pirates and couldn't help but awe at the sight of it. From the distance, the distinctive redhead came into his eyes, and he jogged to him.

There was something he needed to say to him before he could leave.

The first one to notice the boy was, of course, Benn Beckmann. He took out the cigarette from his mouth and smiled.

"It's been ages since the last time I saw you, kid. " He stomped on the cigarette to put it out. "Your name's Ace, right? "

He nodded and turned his attention to the red-haired man that was talking to a boy with a straw hat. He felt that he'll see him again. He looked back at the man before him with his Stoic expression.

"I need to talk to your captain. "

Benn lifted a brow, interested. "With Shanks? Why? "

"It's not your business. " He growled at him, making his chuckle.

"Alright, alright. " Benn gazed at his captain and called him. " Yo Shanks, this brat wants a word with you!"

The redhead approached them with his usual big grin on his face. Ace faltered for a second at such a friendly attitude of his, but quickly recovered. He wasn't going to trust him that easily.

He crouched down on one of his knees and faced him. "Heya! I'm Shanks, I'm the captain of this crew. " He held his hand out for him to shake it, but he didn't. "What my crewmate said, you wanted to talk, right? "

Ace nodded and leaned his pipeline on his shoulder as a warning for him to watch it. Shanks chuckled and raised both hands in the air.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you. "

"You better. " He growled at him.

"What do you want, kid? " His tone changed to a semiprofessional voice, perceiving that he came for business.

"You're the same Shanks that my older sister told me about. Childish and idiot. " He told him.

The redhead laughed sadly. "Y/N, huh? She never changes… Well, bad news for you champ, but your sister-"

"She's alive, but she's unconscious in the mountain's hut. " Ace interrupted him. "I felt like you should know that. "

Shanks looked at the boy with dumbfounded eyes. He couldn't believe it. It was surrealistic, but he was very glad that you were alive. After all, he still needs to thank you for saving Luffy and his left arm.

He laughed and patted Ace's shoulder, thanking him. He could see little tears in the corner of his eyes, but chose to stay quiet.


Ace was sitting beside your resting form again. The doctor of the village came to see her condition, and he said that she was fine, she only needed to rest. But you've been unconscious for at least a week.

There was no reaction from you. You didn't give any sign to them. It was very concerning. He looked at your peaceful tanned face and gritted his teeth, hands in tight fists.

"When are you going to wake up… sis? " He asked, to himself.

The freckled boy began to think. To think about what would have been if you weren't there. To think how it would be if he hadn't met you. Certainly, he wouldn't be what he was now, and growing to be.

You taught him a lot of things, same for Sabo, and he was growing strong and virtuous, and all thanks to you. Even though you were three years older than them. He admired you, for your personality, for your charisma, for your kindness, and for your strength.

Ace knew, somehow, you were sad. Sad about something he doesn't comprehend now, but in the future, he will. And he wishes to lift this sadness off of your shoulder, one day.

This sudden behavior of caring for someone wasn't there before, and it was good. It felt good.

When he asked about his biological father without directly telling the people about it, he would always get awful answers and facts about him, and that discouraged him. But you were always insistent and told him what he was and what he did, surely telling almost the opposite of what he got from outsiders.

Thanks to that, he began to be interested in his late father, and didn't hate him that much. He'll need to meet someone who had direct contact with that man so he could judge better.

Like you always say to him, don't judge a book by its cover.

He shook his head clearing his mind from thoughts, stood up and went outside to hunt for something to eat later, not forgetting about his trusted weapon. He ran through the deep forest, and found a bull eating grass.

"That will suffice… " He mumbled to himself.

Ace dragged the body of the bull back to the hut. He threw the animal to Dadan and went back to his room. When he opened the door, he dropped the pipeline in his hand and looked surprised.

"Oh, welcome back Ace. " You smiled at him like you always did.

Without hesitation, he ran to you and hugged you tightly. You hugged him back, laughing and saying "ow" For the slight pain you were feeling in your right side of your neck and clavicle.

Then, you felt your shirt getting wet slowly, and you knew that he was crying. You placed a hand behind his head and stroked it slowly, comforting him.

"I- I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up. " He told you, still crying.

"I'm here, and I don't plan on dying any time soon, Ace. " You said, convincing him somehow.

He pulled apart the warm embrace and you brushed his tears off with the same smile as usual. You patted his head and asked him if he could get Dadan. Ace nodded and ran down the stairs.

You placed your hand above the bandages and frowned a little.

"This is going to leave a nasty scar… "

"This is going to leave a nasty scar… "

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