𝟐, ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ

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◖ ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ◗

You were sitting on the bowsprit of the Red Force, the sea breeze making you feel so free

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You were sitting on the bowsprit of the Red Force, the sea breeze making you feel so free. You smiled and tried that thing that most of the canines do, you got your tongue out. 

Oh. My. God. 

Suddenly, a feeling of pure joy rushed through your veins and giggled. The wind felt so good like what the fuck. You closed your mouth before someone could see you do that. 

You were still a child, but you preferred to have some dignity, not like some people in here that were currently laying on the deck's floor drunk, especially mentioning Shanks. The heck was with this man? 

Anyways, you got down and went to find the only sober on this ship. You avoided stepping on drunken men. You went inside and found Benn drinking some coffee and reading some papers. 

You approached and took a seat beside him, peaking at what he was reading. You were a curious child after all. He chuckled and pushed a plate with food that looked delicious. Licking your lips, you didn't wait and ate the whole thing as he was busy with his duties. 

You may be asking, why were they all drunk and wasted? That's easy to answer. A welcome party for the only lady of the crew. Yeah, kind of dumb but good dumb thing to do. I think. 

In any case, you had fun by stealing meat from them without being noticed. What a fun game, and all thanks to the full year with real wolves. Maybe in the future you'll visit that island to give them all the gratitude. 

It was morning and the party lasted the entire day, including midnight. You were surprised that they could last that long drinking. From what you observed back home, people of your homeland didn't have the tendency to get that drunk. And it looked fun. 

Oh well. 

Your wolf ears twitched with the sound of painful groans and lazy steps approaching the kitchen. You knew that the rest of the crew woke up and were hungry. But lucky for them, Benn was the most responsible and that was already handled. 

You finished your breakfast, and pushed the plate towards the second in command. You weren't going to get the plate broken by carrying it yourself. You weren't dumb. Or are you? 

That doesn't make any sense. 

Going back to what you were doing, you pushed the doors to get back to the deck, and the pirates went back to their duties after the party. There's no use to bet when you know that all of them, except Benn and the doctor that was hiding in his office, had a huge hangover. 

You then walked back inside to find the captain. He was in his private cabin, and the door was closed. You scratched the door to let him know that you wanted to go in. You still haven't told him about this dilemma of being a human, yet. 

𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | marco x reader | 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝗶𝗲𝗰𝗲 (𝗢𝗡 𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗗) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora